Edge trim...where do I get it?

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Dec 11, 2006
Have a early 90's Travelmaster class C and the plastic edge trim along the bottom of the RV is braking off and exposing the particle bd or whatever is under there.  Where do you get that trim material?  Hate for a perfectly good RV to start rotting from the bottom up. :mad:

Is it the stuff that goes in a C channel, a flexible vinyl strip typically in white or black? Many RV stores and RV catalogs carry that in various sizes and colors.  If not that, what does it look like? Can you post a picture?

    It sounds like and is most likely a T-mold.  The leg of the T would have anti-pull out flanges so it could be pushed into a slot in the edge of the board.  Frankly, if it is particle board, it is probably already needing repair.  If moisture gets in it, it deteriorates very quickly.

Yeah some of the wood is damages and we've had that repaired but need the trim material.  I think it goes around the storage doors as well as along the bottom of the body.  I'll try to get a pic of what I am talking about.

Any links to places that might sell this stuff?
Try the Library under the RV salvage yards.  Only one I've ever dealt with is Colaw in Mo, as have others that I know. They shipped stuff to me, it was exactly what I needed.  I'v sure others would do the same.  Good Luck on your venture.

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