Editing a post

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Jun 5, 2024
Is there a way to edit your post if you forgot something or wanted to make a change? Couldn't find anything to click on in order to do that.
Just below your post you should see a few buttons and one of them is edit. Click on it, make the change then scroll down a little and click Save
Just below your post you should see a few buttons and one of them is edit. Click on it, make the change then scroll down a little and click Save
I seem to remember there's a certain length of time you have to make an edit?
Yes, there is a time limit for editing a post. I've forgotten exactly how much, but it's short. An hour?

After that, you would have to request a moderator to change it for you.
A lot longer than that. More like a full day, or at least many hours.

This is posted at 1222 hrs PDT. I will try to remember to check every few hours with an edit.

Now edited at 1407 hrs. Jun 10.

Now edited at 0717 hrs on the next day, June 11.

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A lot longer than that. More like a full day, or at least many hours.

This is posted at 1222 hrs PDT. I will try to remember to check every few hours with an edit.

Ah, but does the clock reset each time you do an edit?? :unsure:
Ah, but does the clock reset each time you do an edit??
I don't think so. But perhaps I will soon find out by doing a test for that also.

I won't edit his one as often as the previous message and see if there is a difference in the time I may still edit.

-Don- Auburn, CA
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Is there a way to edit your post if you forgot something or wanted to make a change? Couldn't find anything to click on in order to do that.
There's a time limit of 24 hours to edit your post, and the clock doesn't restart. Newcomers to the forum won't have the edit capability.

If your time limit has passed, just post a reply to your own post explaining the correction.
There's a time limit of 24 hours to edit your post, and the clock doesn't restart. Newcomers to the forum won't have the edit capability.

If your time limit has passed, just post a reply to your own post explaining the correction.
Looks Like I will now no longer need to find out with my test on my previous messages. 24 hrs sounds right to me, but I wasn't sure.

-Don- Auburn, CA
I seem to remember there's a certain length of time you have to make an edit?

Exactly the EDIT button only appears for a short time. Not sure how long but it's minutes not seconds if I recall / observe correctly.

It is on the lower left of the post when it first appears. Just to the right of "Report".

This post was edited... Twice (This line and the one above it were added).
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