You may or may not notice anything. It depends on if it is stuck open or closed. You may notice pinging (the old octane rattle) or you may not. The answers are all over the board on the signs and symptoms. Some may notice decreased gas mileage some won't. I wouldn't drive across country but a weekend trip should be no problem. The defensive medicine answer would be replace it before you go any where. The common sense answer is drive it, I would. The worst thing that will happen is cleaning it won't help and you'll have to get a new one.
The easiest way to fix that light is just take it out of the dash display. ;D ;D ;D
If memory serves me right it should be on the driver's side upper engine. This is what you are looking for and they aren't cheap. But, I have had several EGR codes over the years and have never had to buy one just clean them. They build up carbon over the miles.
Let us know what happens.