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New member
Mar 20, 2013
:)Hi  im a newcomer to rv ing,and im yet to purchase the MH.Going through the specification of some of the stuff for sale would i be right in thinking that the cummins engine/allison gearbox is the way to go?

Thanks Rusco
Welcome to the Forum, Rusco!

I have had a Cat/Allison and a Cummins/Allison, and was/am happy with either! In the Class A diesels, that's pretty much the way they build 'em. You'll get some of the Ford/Chevy stuff from owners, since everyone has their favorite. Whatever combination, that part of the motorhome will probably be the easiest to maintain, possibly not the least expensive.

Now you can concentrate on floor plan!  8)

Enjoy your search and welcome!
Thanks for the speedy reply,
have just spent a few weeks over in florida although im back in chilly uk at the moment.Would it be worth a trip over to MHSRV in texas to look round ,thinking of a thor or similar what do you think

Thanks Rusco
I am guessing you are a visitor here in the US, not a resident, and that does making picking one out a little trickier, notwithstanding the amount of information you can get from the Internet.

I am very pleased with my new Thor Tuscany, and had a great Fleetwood Expedition that was traded in.

I have no personal knowledge of MHSRV, and certainly there are a few other large lots in the US, and some here have had good experience with PPL in Houston, Texas, but I think they are primarily a consignment group, but others will correct me.

You just have to kiss a lot of frogs, probably in person, and if you have time constraints, you need to find a dealer with a pretty large inventory. Take your time, though, because it is always a buyer's market. There are some bargains out there if you do the homework.

Good luck and take a look through the Forum at the experience of others who have come across the pond to purchase their rigs.

I think the 6-speed Allison is the top choice in a motorhome transmission, but the choice of Cummins vs Caterpillar for the engine is a toss-up. I would not waste a moment of my time trying to prioritize between the two. Both are excellent engines and have widely available service and parts.
In medium and heavy trucks, I think the Cummins is a quieter engine. Doesn't sound like a bucket of marbles rolling around.

:)Thanks for the comments guys,

what kind of mileage do you get ?  driving sensible.

Thanks Rusco
rusco said:
:)Thanks for the comments guys,

what kind of mileage do you get ?  driving sensible.

Thanks Rusco

Our 330 Cat got 8.5-9gph and our 400 Cummins is down in the 7.5gph range at 62mph.
On our 350 cummins, driving 62-64 we probably average 9 mpg. 8 against headwind, 10 with tail wind. Last fall we took a 3500 mi trip, 28 days & averaged 9.3. One time since we owned it, we averaged 11 for a couple days.

I think our rig is lighter than most 39' rigs. I don't think we exceed 30,000 lbs including our tow vehicle.

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