Entegra Class C; differences between Esteem and Odyssey lines?

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Brian H.

Jul 29, 2024
What are the major differences between the Entegra Esteem and Entegra Odyssey Class C motorhomes? Am I correct in that the Odyssey line does not have auto leveling jacks? Is the Odyssey line sort of a cheaper version of the Esteem line, kind like Redhawk to Greyhawk is in the Jayco line? I know Entegra is a Jayco brand plate, so maybe they do the same thing with the Entegra line?
According to the comparison chart on the Entegra site, the Odyssey only has Jack prep, so no jacks at all unless added as an option. The Esteem also have an enhanced version of the EZ Drive system, with Koni shocks and heavy-duty rear stabilizer.

There is also an Esteem XL which is substantially different, starting with an F550 chassis instead of E450. Really a totally different coach.
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