Ernie, New Member...sort of

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Ernie Ekberg

Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
I just got the link to come over here from Ron R. Many thanks and I know I will enjoy this forum as much as the Compuserve Forum. Ernie Ekberg Wanderlodge in Texas- Marabitos' previous coach
Ernie Ekberg said:
I just got the link to come over here from Ron R. Many thanks and I know I will enjoy this forum as much as the Compuserve Forum. Ernie Ekberg Wanderlodge in Texas- Marabitos' previous coach

Welcome to the RV Forum Ernie.  Glad you come over.  You will see many names you recognize here.  Please join in any of the discussions or start a discussin.  Like always please feel free to ask any questions you might have.
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