Events calendar

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Jan 13, 2005
Check out our Events Calendar by clicking the Calendar button in the toolbar above. Feel free to upload new events of your own, or post them here and the Forum Administrator to add them.

    You could post the "Lone Star Birds"  Rally in the April calendar.  It is April 22,23 & 24th at Buckhorn Lake Resort, Kerrville, TX.

    Shirley and I co-host with Chet & Christine Geist.

Apologies Don, I have the login on the web site temporarily disabled, so you can't add to the calendar there. But I'd be glad to upload for you. Alternatively, we now have a calendar feature integrated with this forum (see the Calendar link above). Feel free to add your items to that calendar.

Apolgies for any confusion, but I'm in transition with the location of some features of the web site vs the features here in the forum, and haven't yet come out the other end. Eventually (hopefully soon), there will be a single calendar.
Tom said:
Apolgies for any confusion, but I'm in transition with the location of some features of the web site vs the features here in the forum, and haven't yet come out the other end. Eventually (hopefully soon), there will be a single calendar.

No apologises needed. With all the irons you have in the fire I don't know how you keep up with anything. I forget where I put my hat most of the time!  ;D


I've now consolidated to a single calendar - accessible from the Calendar button in the toolbar above. Feel free to add events by clicking on the Post Event button at the bottom of the calendar page.
Tom said:
I've now consolidated to a single calendar - accessible from the Calendar button in the toolbar above. Feel free to add events by clicking on the Post Event button at the bottom of the calendar page.

Hey Tom,
I've looked and looked at the bottom of the? calendar page and I can't find any button called Post event. I have a couple of events to post.

Tom said:
Feel free to add events by clicking on the Post Event button at the bottom of the calendar page.


I can't find the Post Event button but, if I could, I would post the Moab Rally Early Bird Party on April 29, 2005.  :)

The Post Event button may only be available to staff to allow control of the events added to the calendar.
Betty, Phil, et al.

I used invisible ink on the button so you need to change the background color to black in order to be able to see it.  :)

Ned is right, the button is only visible in the admin screen. Send me whatever you have and I'll be glad to add it. The entry in the calendar will be accompanied by an automatic post in the Events message board. So, if you want some additional blurb &/or an URL included, that's where they'd go (automatically). Follks can then click on the event in the calendar and the message containing the detail will open up. So feel free to include any additional info with whatever you send me.

Apologies for confusion.
Is it possible in addition to the individual threads for each event, to post a message with all events listed on one page?  I am going nuts wasting time checking each thread for dates that match my schedule.

About 3/4 down the main menu page there is an item called UPCOMING CALENDER. Presently shows? Upcoming Events: SE Spring rally

If you click on the icon left of the upcoming events a calender will be displayed showing the upcomming events that have been reported.? Hope this helps.


The events are actually posted to the calendar. When you view the calendar and see an event that interests you, click on it to come to the message for details. You can access the calendar by clicking Calendar on the toolbar above. Ron's method gets you there too.
That's probably true Smoky. If there's something you think should be added to the calendar, please respond to the Add Calendar Event Here topic posted by Betty. Realize that some event discussions were going on before we opened up the new (current) calendar feature, and before Betty kindly volunteered to manage the calendar for us.
Smoky said:
One example would be the Yellowstone rally.
Hi Smoky, Check the calendar beginning July 2, and the Yellowstone rally is there ???
Tom said:
Check the calendar beginning July 2, and the Yellowstone rally is there


It might help if the rally name was on the calendar instead of just rally.  :)


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