Ever-Lite Trailer Questions

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Oct 30, 2009
I have a 2010 Ever-Lite and LOVE it.  Just crossed 110 nights since purchase in Sep 09.  That's pretty good for a weekend warrior with a job ;)

We bought this TT because it is 6 sides composite/NO plywood and was dry weight about 5,600lbs.  Except for the usual here and there problems that occur with trailers, it's been great and we have people want to see it and know more about it every time we take it out.  We have been eager to show them all about it and tell them of our positive experience.

We are not in the market, but were looking at the web site recently to see "what's new" and were amazed!

They now make a LOT of different types of TT's, but only the top of the line is all composite and even then it's an OPTION?  Have they gone back to putting plywood in them to save $$ or am I missing something? Have they had significant problems with the all 6 side composites?  We certainly have not, but I couldn't find a forum dedicated just to this brand so I thought I might ask here.

Also, just about ALL of the new models are MUCH heavier than the original series.  They are 6 to 7500K now.  (But they ARE a lot bigger)

Any other Ever-Lite owners here?  What are  your experiences?  Anyone have one of the new ones where they have gone back to using plywood substrates?  Did the dealer discuss this or have any information about it?

Mrpiper, here's where you want to go:

That'e where the Evergreen people talk.
And yes you're right even Evergreen is going back toluan products in their walls.
A shame..

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