extended warranty

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
Has anyone used Xtra Ride extended warranty?  If so, what has been your experience?  My RV dealer is recommending it but I would like to know from users what their experience has been. Thanks,
I have no experience with that brand of policy, but be aware that the dealer gets a huge commission on the sale of those contracts. It certainly biases his recommendation!  And if you decide you want to buy an extended warranty (repair insurance), shop around because there are other brands and other sources to buy them, usually much less expensively than from the dealer. Don't be afraid to ask the dealer for a discount on the price either. He can accept a reduced commission and pass the savings to you.
Most extended warranties are the same.  The fine print may be different even among similarly-named policies, so THAT is what you'd need to review carefully.  Rather than pay thousands for a warranty that you may never need, many RV'ers just put away that much money in a repair fund and use as-needed.  The benefit is you still have the unused cash on the other end!

RV extended warranties have been discussed probably hundreds of time in past threads.  I'd recommend utilizing the Forum Search page, and type in "extended warranty" or other keywords you're wanting to research.
Personally I've ditched all extended warranties for both my pickup and the RV. I would rather be here reading thousands of post learning how to do it myself than pay a corporation a monthly fee for a "what if" situation. So far in 10 years of owning my truck I've never had a catastrophic failure that requires a tow truck and so far in 3 years of owning my RV I've never even had a flat tire yet. (Few minor repairs but nothing tough).

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