Exterior wall separating on new TT

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May 17, 2019
North Carolina
Good evening. My family purchased a new Avenger ATI travel trailer this weekend. After towing it from the dealership on Saturday and parking it in our storage space we thought everything was fine. But this evening we noticed a section of the exterior wall that's become separated from the corner. I've attached a picture.

I don't know if this happened while we towed it home or if we just missed it during our numerous pre-purchase walk throughs but I'm curious...how difficult of a repair is this going to be? And is this a fairly common issue (I'm really hoping we didn't just invest in a lemon for our first RV).

I plan on calling the dealer tomorrow but is this something we can expect the dealer to cover or will they likely make us pay for the repair since we didn't catch it until after it left the lot?



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IBTripping said:
That is not normal and you should demand that it be repaired under warranty. Good luck.
X2 Not Normal.  They'll fix it, hopefully they put you in the front of the line of repairs in the shop.
Unless there is evidence of externally caused damage, it's a warranty repair. Whether the dealer is equipped to fix it may be another story, it could conceivable be a factory repair.
Either they have somebody drive it there or you do it.  The problem doesn't look too difficult to fix, but some (many?) RV dealers don't have skilled techs either.

As for the amount of time, dealer repairs are notoriously slow as well. Several weeks is not uncommon for even trivial items. I hope your experience is better than that, but be prepared for delays and the round-around.
The GM of the dealer responded to my email 15 min. after the dealership opened this morning and assured me they would take care of it ASAP at no cost to me. 5 minutes after that the manager of the service dept. called me on the phone to setup a date/time this week for me to drop it off and told me I'd have it back the next day.

So far it looks promising. I just hope the quality of work is as good as their response time and willingness to help correct the mistake.
As you have war-natty period so you have to take this facility from seller. if you didn't exact service in that cases should claim against to service provider! because it a big issue as on my perception.
I can't of course tell where on the trailer this is...but if it's on a leading edge somewhere...where the wind from driving can get under it....I'd tape it up a bit before taking it in.  I'd just not use anything aggressive like duck tape, that might cause damage trying to clean the tape off...
Thanks, I had not thought of that. It is on a leading edge so I will do that when towing it back to the dealer.

We take it back this afternoon so hopefully they will fix it tomorrow.
Good Luck but.... That is not the general experience usually reported here, regardless of the dealership!!! YMMV hopefully!

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