Jim Johnson said:One of the pictures I took today as Tarry and I rode the PA backroads enjoying the fall colors.? Peak color will be in a couple of days and it is just beautiful.
DougJ said:I too like the shot, Jim, but my suggestions run a bit different to Bob B's.
Jim Johnson said:Bob and DougJ
You both got it all wrong.? I am not a photographer - - -I take pictures.? What you see is what you get.? But I have an idea.? Both of you modify the picture as you see fit and we will all so which one is our choice.? Deal??
DougJ said:1. I'd open up the shadowed foreground just a smidge.
2. I'd boost the red and yellow saturation (of the back ground) just a smidge.
3. I'd darken the sky--but it's so blown out it may not darken properly, in which case I'd look to import some blue sky with a cloud or two.
Mike (ex-f-221) said:Tried #1 and #2. #3 doesn't look good - I worked a little bit sloppy
The original is always better and every step of processing lowers the quality of the picture. What I did with the sky was just a kind of test or trial. Dough is right: The sky cannot be darkened. If you do you only get two pixeled blue spots. When I tried another way it looks like an eclipse of the sun. So I borrowed a piece of Black Forest SkyBetty Brewer said:I won't import blue skies and white puffy clouds in any of my photos but I am impressed to see that it can be done.
Me too! Hope the day will come...Betty Brewer said:One day I hope to see Fall colors in person too.
I am impressed to see that it can be done. Thanks for making those changes visible to us.
Jeff Cousins said:Jim:
See what happens when these guys start spending big $$$ on new cameras. ;D ;D ;D