Fantastic Fan

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Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
Once again The Fantastic Fan Company proved their superb customer support.? The lid opening mechanism of the fan in our coach failed last weekend after seven years of fulltime use.? I called FF on Monday to report the failure, and in their usual way offered to send me the necessary replacement parts at no charge.? Today, Thursday I received a box of parts including an electric control assembly along with a lift arm assembly by prepaid UPS.

The support provided by this company is truly outstanding among RV suppliers and they deserve the support of RV enthusiasts, IMO.
Have to add a third complement to Fantastic Vent.  I threw away the vent screens and replaced them a couple years ago with ones from CampingWorld that are easy to remove.  The new ones were dark and really ruined the nice skylight effect from the normal FV screens.  Finally I decided to ask about new screens.  In fact, I think FV suggested it and sent two.  No charge.  Plus these vents just work great. 

They could add two things to the design.  I'd like to be able to remove the blade assembly (without needing electrician's skills) for easy washing and to get under the tight spots while cleaning.  And, it would be so easy to add white vinyl thumbscrews instead of the 8 phillips head screws needed to install and remove the screens.  Oh, well, the 16 screws on my two vent screens were an excuse to buy a fun new electric screwdriver.

I'll send comments to FV.  I did explain all this to the CSR who took my call (or was it an email?) but all they said was that they wanted the screws to be as esthetically invisible as possible. 

I have had great luck as well.  I even moved mine form my old camper to my new one.  Figure lifetime warranty, may as well keep it a lifetime!

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