fastway flip automatic jack foot

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I searched and didn't find a thread for these.  The idea seems interesting, they had one at the RV Dealer I purchased our trailer at.. and I played around with it a bit.  Seems sturdy, however I was hoping someone here might have some thoughts on it.

I could see some problems if you don't locate the hole correctly, it could end up not being secure in either up or down if the hole is too low. 
Is it worth the cost?  Seems kinda pricy for it's OK ;-)
I have one, and I'm pretty happy with it.  I like not having to put a wooden block or jack stand down when unhooking.  I also discovered (the hard way) if you get distracted and pull forward without raising your jack, the foot flips back out of the way instead of dragging or damaging your jack.
Thanks for the feedback.. might just have to add that to my list.
It's not to be  use on uneven ground.  If the trailer pulls forward in any way, it will fold forward and your trailer will nose dive to the ground.
Looks to me like the bolt locks into a groove when there's pressure on it which should keep it from folding.
I installed one on our trailer, and it's worth the money. Sure beets wooden blocks. My seven year old son appreciates it because it's his job to run the jack down.
It does lock down pretty good when extended. I trust it to hold on any angle that I would trust the jack to hold. I also have a set of there wheel chock so not worried about the trailer "pulling forward".
Thanks, that's what I thought..  I think if one were to drill the bolt hole too low on the jack it wouldn't secure properly.. 
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