Fiberglass vs denim insulation batts: which? why?

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
Payson AZ
I have a couple cavities in my RV I plan to fill with insulation batts.  Also, I'll put some along a wall behind some pipes and a couple other places.

What's the deal with the denim insulation?  Never heard of it till I started researching this project.  Is it as good as or better than fiberglass?  I've always heard of fiberglass, which I really hate to work with.  Somebody was concerned that the denim would attract rodents. 

Denim was invented as part of the "green" movement. It was introduced in the Industrial Insulation market (my experience) about 8 years ago but never took off. It contains no formaldehyde and thus better for the environment. One issue that I had with it was it would absorb moisture readily and therefore was a mold problem in my book so I never supported its use. Unless you are overly sensitive to formaldehyde, I would stay with fiberglass as it is cheap and will not wick moisture.

Pete:  Thanks.  I don't avoid the environmentalists' movements on purpose, but too many of those things are poor substitutes.  I'll stick with fiberglass.
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