fifth wheel hitch?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2010
Newtown Pa. 18940
When we pull we get chucking. I have noticed it more in the last 3000 miles.  When and how do you know to replace the hitch?
The hitch has little to do with it.  Chucking is typically caused by a weight imbalance in the trailer, though sometimes it is just the expansion joints in a concrete road setting up a harmonic action in the suspension.

By any chance are you carrying more - or less - water than before? The location of the water tanks, ahead or behind the trailer axles, can make a huge difference by shifting several hundred pounds of weight. Or perhaps added gear to the front storage area?

If you can't balance out the trailer better, adding an air support to the hitch or pin box can do a lot to alleviate the motion. The Fifth Airborne is one such. Demco Glide-Rite and Trailair are some others.
This subject has been discussed at length on the Forum, and many opinions, suggestions have been given.  Gary's comments sum them up quite well.
I have the same problem, or so it seems.  There is also a difference of opinion of just what the term "chucking" means.  Is it an 'up-down' motion or like mine, a front-to-back motion? 
I am not convinced that the "hitch is not the problem", as some of the adjustments I have made have lessened the sensation that I am getting.
I have had the trailer pulled by a friend's truck which is similar to mine and during that test ride, we did not experience any sensation (chucking, forward-backward), therefore I cannot eliminate the truck setup or the hitch setup at this point.  The main difference was the hitch was different as his was a single pivot hitch of different manufacture. I have made adjustments to my hitch itself: lowered it to absolutely level at 5 inches above the truck box. I have adjusted the tension screw in the front of the hitch which absorbs the play between the front of the clamps and the locking bar. (Hitch is a HIJACKER 18K double pivot).Weights are within "forum suggested norms" for the weight of my trailer. Weight on the hitch pin is 20 to 25%.
I cannot do any more testing until spring, ie: May next year since the trailer and truck are now in storage for the winter.
At this time, I'm not prepared to spend $1000. or more on an air-ride hitch or pinbox attachment, even tho' it may eventually be the way to go.
If you would like to use the private message route to discuss this with me, I'd be happy to do so.  If we come up with some positive results, either of us could then post the summary of any testing and ideas that help to the forum, so that anyone who could benefit from it can see it.
Is it just noise or do you feel the truck being jerked, either front/back or up/down?

"Chucking" is usually defined as a repetitive up/down motion, but any repetitive jerk would probably qualify.  If you get a jerk only when starting or stopping, I wonder if the latch bar on the hitch is loose and not holding the pin firmly in place in the throat of the hitch.
What hitch do you have.  Need you to describe your problem more clearly.  Is it only when you start up after a stop?  Does it do it as you go down the highway?  I have a Reese signature series 18 k hitch.  I noticed more of a pop noise every time I would start  after stopping.  The head assembly is mounted on a pin that runs parallel to the truck.  The assembly had about 1/4 inch of front to back clearance.  When I would stop it would shift forward.  Then when I would start it would shift back and make a pop sound when it came to the end of the travel.  I fixed mine by putting a shim in the front of this pin to prevent the forward shift.  I put it in front as the assembly is in the rearward position when towing.  Thus no pressure on my hard plastic shim I used.  I do not see this as a problem except I did not like the pop sound every time I started from a stop at a light or such.
On one of my trailer/tow vehicles I had a "chucking" movement that got progressively worse, and occurred as I went across concrete separations in the highways.

It resulted in the Ball coming out of the hitch on RT. #45 above Tupelo, Ms. and scared the be-Jesus out of me...... 
Tractor trailer went by me Blowing his horn in warning. Looked in side mirror to see trailer on two wheels ready to go over. Wow! How I did not crash I do not know, but I hit breaks (not recommended in this situation) and trailer hit my Tow vehicle. Trailer was being dragged by chains and "rocking" when Tractor trailer passed and blew his horn AT ME! I was about to cause accident and he was concerned to say the least.

I had changed Ball on this hitch and did not Torque to correct value. Slowly (2K miles) the nut worked it's way off Ball and a big separation in highway jerked the Ball and screw assembly right out of Hitch base.
My lack of experience did not "force me to LOOK properly" as you are doing, while that chucking and clanging action was going on.  Look at Ball and nut tightness as a possibility please.
Good luck with situation.

Noise.  My golden retriever gets upset. The noise is annoying. It also makes the noise when stopping. Not all the time. I checked the jaws they are closed. It is well greased. All bolts were replaced. I paint it  every year.
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