FireFox Version?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2009
What version of FireFox are most of you running? Mine is pretty old V. 3.6.28 and lately I keep getting messages I need to up date FF as it is no longer supported on a particular web site. I hate to use the latest version of anything and guess I will have to update but don't know what version to update to that is good and solid. I use Moz Backup to backup my book marks, ect.
I just opened FireFox and selected about. It was on 10.xx and started updating. It finally stopped on 16.

I mostly us IE 9.0.10, but have an application that has to run on FireFox. No issues so far.

I strongly suggest you let it update to 16.0.2, the current released version.  There have been numerous security fixes and performance enhancements since version 3.6.  Most addon compatibility problems have disappeared in the later versions as well.
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