First Tow, First Problem

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Nov 17, 2012
NE Mississippi
Today we picked up our towd (2008 Hyundai Accent hatchback, manual transmission) after base plate/llghting installation.  No issues hooking up or making the one hour trip home.  When we unhooked, the towd battery was dead (just the dreaded clicking starter).  Jumped off and has started fine several times since.  Key was in accessory position with radio off.  Possibility that the light switch was on but headlights don't come on unless key is in "run".  I checked, there is about 1 amp drain when the key is switched to ACC and about 5.5 amps if the headlight switch is also on.  Doesn't seem that 5.5 amps would have killed the battery in an hour.  Guess the battery could be dying but hasn't exhibited any start-up issues.  Towing lights are separate blubs added to the tail light assembly so there is no invasion of the towd electrical system.  Any thoughts?  :-[
maybe a dead short somewhere in the system? 

a wire with worn insulation can rub against the body making the short intermittent and hard to trace down, but it would drain the battery
If that is still the original battery in the 2008, it is probably on its last legs and an hour with even a modest continuous draw might be too much. You are due for a battery anyway, so I would start there and see if the problem repeats.

You may want to consider a device called the Toad Charge, which provides 10 amps of charging power to the toad while underway.
Unless it's intermittant, doesn't seem likely.  Otherwise, the battery would do down overnight since it only took an hour tow trip to go dead.  Also, I put an amp meter in series with the battery and read the 5 amp draw only if the parking lights were on.  I think I need to get the battery checked.  :-\
Edit: Removed excessive white space.
The battery is the original.  Agree that the life of an OEM battery is about five years so I think I am due a new one.  Guess I could leave the parking lights on for an hour and see what happens.  Best idea is get a new battery.  Thanks.
Battery is getting old. However, the battery in my 2008 F250 is almost 5 years old and is up and running fine. You may want to run a charge line from the MH to the battery in your toad. I changed out my toad plug from a 4 pin to a 6 pin and charge the toad battery while on the road. I don't know what type of braking system you are using. Some of them consume couple of amps. Add that to the 1 amp and you could run an older battery down quite a bit faster.

I run a wire from pin 4 on the 7 pin connector on the MH to pin "A" which is the center pin on a 6 pin connector. Works for me. 
For over 40 years I alway buy them from Sears with no problems, when I need one.
most auto parts stores can test the battery for free and let you know if that is the problem.
I have a Hyundai Tucson that we tow.  When we hook up, I turn off:  1) all headlights  2) the A/C  3) the radio. 

Also, I had to replace the battery a couple of years ago.  It just immediately went warning.  Also if you decide not to get a battery charger and plan to travel several days in a row not disconnecting the car, you can start the car every evening after getting parked to keep the battery up.

Does your brake system also require 12V while being towed ?
If so, I recomend getting a "booster / started battery unit" and use that for the brake unit power while towing... charge back up when on shore power... that way you always have a "spare battery" along if ever needed.
With my Malibu the instructions were to pull the fuse at the battery. That was a lot of trouble since I use a car cover, so I had a wire with a cut off switch mounted under the dash. Have been using this set up for 9 years with no problems.

Did the fellows have the key on listening to the radio while they installed the baseplate and wiring? It's possible that nothing is wrong, they just ran the battery down while working on the car. I agree 5 years on the original battery makes it suspect, but there are other possible reasons too.

Who knows what the mechanic did while working.  It's surely possibly they played the radio.

Haven't got the towd brake yet so that wasn't an issue the day in question.  I do need to consider that when the brake box arrives. 

There aren't any instructions in the owner's manual re recreational towing.  There is a Hyundai TSB that only says it's OK to flat tow the Accent but gives no furthur instruction.  I haven't found any specific instructions.

I am considering a toad charger.

Will get the battery checked.

Thanks for all the inputs. 
Some toads require that you unhook the battery - (negative) terminal or pull a fuse when towing. We tow a Dodge Dakota and the few times I have not removed the negative terminal, it's need a jump to start when we unhook it. We use a BrakeBuddy brake system in the towed and BB have a kit for powering the brake when the battery must be disconnected.
This afternoon I had time to run a test on the Accent.  Turned the parking lights ON and let it sit.  After 1 1/2 hours, the battery was down to 9.5 volts and the car wouldn't start.  I am guessing the battery has in fact reached the end of it's life so plan to get a new one next week.  Also considering a towing charge system.

Thanks to everyone for the inputs/suggestions - Jim
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