I posted this a couple of years ago but thought I would share again ...
Five minute fix ...
So my motorhome has stainless steel wheel liners, which dresses it up but also makes checking the tire pressure a chore.? I had not been able to find a tire pressure gauge that will work on the outside tire without taking the wheel liners off.? After much research I learned of the Air Guard II inflation system ... a handy looking hose extender that simply screws onto the valve stem and then has a bracket that attaches under one of the lug nuts.? Should be a five-minute job.? ?I had other things to do on Saturday morning so I didn't get around to starting this simple project until just before noon.? They say it was the earliest date on record for hitting 100 degrees ... but it was just a five-minute job.? The first part of my learning curve was that not only is it impossible to check the air pressure with the wheel lines on it is also impossible to install the Air Guard II without first removing the wheel liners.? TIP #1... when removing stainless steel wheel liners wear gloves because the edges of a wheel liner are as sharp as a butcher knife!? The cut on my finger looked much worse than it really was ... about an inch long ... my wife though I should go to the emergency room ... but I explained to her that the bleeding was probably much worse because of the blood thinner I was on.? Possible because of the bandage, or my bifocals, I could not, for the life of me, get the Air Guard II? to screw onto the valve stem ... after about 20 minutes of fiddling in the 100 degree heat I was getting a little frustrated and hot.? I decided I needed a little shade ... so I quickly set up the unit's patio awning.?
TIP #2 ... when you suddenly need to get up from working on a tire valve stem you should always remember the awning support arm ... head wounds always bleed profusely and I think the blood thinner made it worse.? I tried several times to get the Air Guard II to screw on, but nothing seemed to work.? I decided to try the other set of wheels to see if it was easier.? I knew this time that the wheel liner had to come off ... but on this wheel some gorilla with an air gun had torked the lug nuts to about 400 pounds.? I tried for 30 minutes to get it loose.? I sprayed it with WD40 and tried again ... I put all of my weight on it and finally it let loose ... all at once.? My knuckles successfully protected the tire tool from hitting the driveway cement.? The bleeding was probably worse because of the blood thinner.? The stinging sensation was probably worse because of the WD40.? Two hours after I started my five-minute fix the Air Guard II was finally installed ... it just all of a sudden seemed to screw on just like the directions say.? The driveway looked like a crime scene ... I looked like I had been in a bar fight ... and by the way, none of the tires needed air.
Five minute fix ...
So my motorhome has stainless steel wheel liners, which dresses it up but also makes checking the tire pressure a chore.? I had not been able to find a tire pressure gauge that will work on the outside tire without taking the wheel liners off.? After much research I learned of the Air Guard II inflation system ... a handy looking hose extender that simply screws onto the valve stem and then has a bracket that attaches under one of the lug nuts.? Should be a five-minute job.? ?I had other things to do on Saturday morning so I didn't get around to starting this simple project until just before noon.? They say it was the earliest date on record for hitting 100 degrees ... but it was just a five-minute job.? The first part of my learning curve was that not only is it impossible to check the air pressure with the wheel lines on it is also impossible to install the Air Guard II without first removing the wheel liners.? TIP #1... when removing stainless steel wheel liners wear gloves because the edges of a wheel liner are as sharp as a butcher knife!? The cut on my finger looked much worse than it really was ... about an inch long ... my wife though I should go to the emergency room ... but I explained to her that the bleeding was probably much worse because of the blood thinner I was on.? Possible because of the bandage, or my bifocals, I could not, for the life of me, get the Air Guard II? to screw onto the valve stem ... after about 20 minutes of fiddling in the 100 degree heat I was getting a little frustrated and hot.? I decided I needed a little shade ... so I quickly set up the unit's patio awning.?
TIP #2 ... when you suddenly need to get up from working on a tire valve stem you should always remember the awning support arm ... head wounds always bleed profusely and I think the blood thinner made it worse.? I tried several times to get the Air Guard II to screw on, but nothing seemed to work.? I decided to try the other set of wheels to see if it was easier.? I knew this time that the wheel liner had to come off ... but on this wheel some gorilla with an air gun had torked the lug nuts to about 400 pounds.? I tried for 30 minutes to get it loose.? I sprayed it with WD40 and tried again ... I put all of my weight on it and finally it let loose ... all at once.? My knuckles successfully protected the tire tool from hitting the driveway cement.? The bleeding was probably worse because of the blood thinner.? The stinging sensation was probably worse because of the WD40.? Two hours after I started my five-minute fix the Air Guard II was finally installed ... it just all of a sudden seemed to screw on just like the directions say.? The driveway looked like a crime scene ... I looked like I had been in a bar fight ... and by the way, none of the tires needed air.