Flagstaff Microlite 21FBRS space behind couch

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Sep 19, 2018
We are interested in a Flagstaff 21FBRS Microlite. This model has a couch and a fold up table which stores behind the couch. Does anyone know how wide that space behind the couch is? I mean distance from the back of the couch to the back wall. Is it like 4 inches? 6 inches?
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Sorry no one else has jumped in.  I can not answer your question.  However, by responding to the thread, I have pushed it back to the top of the board.

If there is one nearby, the easiest answer is go look at it and measure the space.
We have a 2011 Flagstaff Micro Lite 18FBRS. It's the same model as yours, just the 18 foot model. Since the couch leans back toward the window just a little (I didn't notice this until I measured), you have a little more space near the floor than at the top part of the couch.  At the floor, it's 13 inches from the metal bar of the couch to the wall. At the top, the couch back is about 8 inches if you measure from the wall to the bar inside the couch cushioning. If you measure from the wall to the cushion without pushing the cushion until you feel the bar, you have about 7.5 inches. We have room to store store the table, 2 fold up lawn chairs as well as a few smaller items on the floor about the size of a tackle box. Hope this helps.
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