Flooring Installer Recommendiations?

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Jul 8, 2011
Happy New Year to all!  ;D

We are ready to replace our lounge area, with a wood laminate product. One that looks just like hardwood, but isn't, and won't be high maintence like real hardwoods would be.

The problem, is finding someone in our area, with experience, to do the job. Camping World did finally give us a labor estimate today....but in prior conversations with them, and even in face today, didn't seem to be interested in the job.....nor did they seem to even know what would be involved.

I know it's a longshot....but we live in Sacramento, CA, and we are wondering if anyone could point us in the direction of someone in our area, who could do the job, and who knows what they are doing?

Thank you in advance, for any help!!
I could point you in the right direction. Probably a full service, large retail flooring store. They have lots of installers. The one problem to overcome: if the installer has any knowledge about coaches and or slides. You will have to do some leg work. Stay away from CW
If you can plan a trip to Texas, Ernie (the previous poster)Really does amazing work. It may be well worth the trip, as he does RVs all the time and there are tons of people on here that will vouch for his work.

You might ask the local RV dealers if they have a local shop they could recommend, most of them  need someone.
If you want a class job, you could not do better than to choose Ernie Ekberg. He is located west of Fort Worth but occasionally travels to do jobs as well.

Take a look at his work here:
Do you know if Ernie installs Ceramics?

BTW any reason durability wise that I shouldn't install ceramic?

Thanks in advance
I don't do ceramic, porcelain, or slate. They crack- and I'm too old to have warranty issues. Or to even learn about how to install them ;D
Darn, Ernie. Too bad you live so far away!!  You do beautiful work! My husband and I are not yet retired, so a long trip like that is out of the question for us, for several years to come.  :(

Thanks for the heads up on CW.....my gut has also told me, that's not the place to have this done.

I've called several large flooring dealers, and none had installers with RV experience. On our last trip a few months ago, I was invited in to see the work that had been done on three different coaches.....the floors had all been done by the owners themselves. Unfortunately, my husband isn't a DIY kind of guy....he has lots of talent, but this kind of stuff isn't among it!

Back to square 1, I guess.  Thanks for all of your responces, though.
Don't despair- I am willing to walk you thru the process. I can post what you need to do here, as others may be helped, also.

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