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Aug 22, 2012
Do post need to be approved before they are listed ?  I posted two things but can?t find them. . .

FMI = for my info ! ?
Hmmmm if not, how do I find my posts so I can repost them without having to remember what I wrote ?
No, messages are visible as soon as you post them.  Occasionally moderators may move posts that violate Forum rules out of sight, but that happens pretty rarely.

You can see a list of your prior postings by going to your Profile page.  Either click on your User Name on any posting you made or on the Profile button at the top of the page, then click on Summary and Show Posts.

Once you find the post you're looking for, click on the boldface Subject to go to the message thread where you posted it.
Thanks, I will make a note of that; I did finally find them and put them in the ?appropriate? place, I hope !
If you click Profile|Modify Profile|Look and Layout, and check the option to Return to topics after posting by default (scroll down to click Change Profile), you'll immediately see what you posted.
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