Follow-up on Roomba vacuum robot

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2005
The first use was in daytime so I could watch what it did. Bumping into my bare foot does not hurt. It does not fall down steps.

Second try, I turned it on and went to bed. I did have to get up and rescue it. an item had gotten stuck in the brushes. Next morning, I found it back at its charging station.

3rd try, I started it up and left on a shopping trip. It was done and docked before I returned. This avoids having to hear the noise, so I think I will use it this way most of the time.

I will offer to loan it out for test runs at Alamo and Qzite.
I was looking at the Roomba in Costco, neat machine. How does it get into tight corners to vacuum? Do they have a "square" version?
rhmahoney said:
I will offer to loan it out for test runs at Alamo and Qzite.

HI Russ,
I want to make a reservation for a test run at Alamo.  I will save vacumning until then.  How fun.  I can't wait!

Heck Russ    Sell Chances and raffle off next in Line.  Could also just hold  an auction after each winner  LOL
rhmahoney said:
The first use was in daytime so I could watch what it did. Bumping into my bare foot does not hurt. It does not fall down steps.

Second try, I turned it on and went to bed. I did have to get up and rescue it. an item had gotten stuck in the brushes. Next morning, I found it back at its charging station.

3rd try, I started it up and left on a shopping trip. It was done and docked before I returned. This avoids having to hear the noise, so I think I will use it this way most of the time.

I will offer to loan it out for test runs at Alamo and Qzite.

How well does it pickup dirt? Does it work on rugs and wood floors? Will it transition OK from a wood floor to rug and bacK?
rhmahoney said:
3rd try, I started it up and left on a shopping trip. It was done and docked before I returned. This avoids having to hear the noise, so I think I will use it this way most of the time.

Ah, but how do you know for sure Russ.  Maybe Ruby the Roomba watched you leave and decided to sleep in while you were gone.  Is there a meter or something to tell when she is working or when she is just lying down on the job? 

(Note I used the female gender, since by your not buying one you can handle yourself, you have decreed it a "pink" job.)

I may give it a try at Alamo, which should give Ruby quite a challenge and workout with all the angles she'll need to figure out.

Cheers,  Daisy
Reserve us at Happy Trails.  Also since I forgot to tell you when we talked your new art work is gorgeous.
>>Ah, but how do you know for sure Russ.  Maybe Ruby the Roomba watched you leave and decided to sleep in while you were gone.  Is there a meter or something to tell when she is working or when she is just lying down on the job? <<

Because the debree on the floor was gone when I got back home.

>>How well does it pickup dirt? Does it work on rugs and wood floors? Will it transition OK from a wood floor to rug and bacK?<<

Picks up dirt and small particles just fine. It handles the built in carpet and tile floors and has no problems transiting from one to the other.

As I mentioned before, the small bathroom rug defeats it regularly. The manual says to tuck rug fringes under as they are a known clogger upper.

>>I was looking at the Roomba in Costco, neat machine. How does it get into tight corners to vacuum? Do they have a "square" version?<<

On the right side is a small outboard brush that pushes stuff under to the main mouth. Does a good job to me, but then I am a male. Ask one of the ladies after they test it out!

Try out list:

rhmahoney said:
On the right side is a small outboard brush that pushes stuff under to the main mouth.

Thanks Russ. That wasn't obvious from my cursory look in the store.
LOL Karl

If you find one to climb walls, see if they do one that washes and wax's the RV.

I'll have one of those.

I'm going to give the dog a bath before we come to the Q, you think the area where we will park could be vaced so the dog doesn't get her paws dirty.  Just kidding  Russ  I think we are all a bit envious.

If I have to wait until Feb it might be worn out  by then:(  Is it ok if I try when we arrive at Happy Trails 1/2 and will be two sites away from you :D
Lorna  that might be a good chance for us to gather again and have Framily tea, one of these aftermoons.  maybe a fre Q  getogether.
If I have to wait until Feb it might be worn out  by then:(  Is it ok if I try when we arrive at Happy Trails 1/2 and will be two sites away from you<<

Oh, yeah, I forgot we will overlap a few days in Jan. That is a good time to test it.
Betty Brewer said:
I want to make a reservation for a test run at Alamo. 

Well bright and early in the afternoon yesterday, Russ delivered  the Roomba device to my motorhome.  We gave it a test whirl.  The entertainment value alone is worth the price!  It is something to see RVers so enthralled with robotics and  battery powered electronics. 

The device began a busy trek in circles and diagonal stripes across my tile floors and very dirty carpet. It transitioned easily over the throw rugs which are very flat and have rubber backing to hold them down but I had to remove the fuzzy throw rugs as she got stuck on those.  She went from carpet to tile with no problem.  Amazingly she fit into corners well with her little sweeper hand.  She fit under kick plates of counters with no problem.  She picked up the shredded cabbage I dropped as a test for her.  She ran and ran before we tired of watching her work.  Then I let Terry take her outside to empty the contents. (blue job)

All in all she is amazing.  I think  I would categorize her as a sweeper more than a vacuum as I'm not sure  she has enough suction for deep cleaning. However for a job that I don't have to do I really like her.   It is now on the list of things for the house!


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