For Bach lovers

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
Free downloads of the complete organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach, recorded by Dr. James Kibbie on original baroque organs in Germany, are offered on this site.

Get them here.
I'll give a listen.  I have Marie-Claire Alain's third recording -- she recorded Bach's entire works three times in her life.  The last recording was on restored baroque instruments like Kibbie played in the recordings linked upthread.
I will say thanks too.. I like Organ and Bach so .... I'm going to be spending some time next week downloading.. (i'm over-loaded this week on bandwidth I pay for).
Bob Maxwell said:
Thanks Ned. The thing that would have made it superb would have been my college classmate Diane Bish at the organ!

I'm partial to E. Power Biggs but Kibbie is no slouch :)
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