ford truck

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New member
Feb 15, 2013
hi, new here. im buying a 2013 silverback, and weighs a crack over 12,ooolbs. i,m driving a 2003 f350/6.0 powerstroke, with 95,ooo on it. towing this rig is not the problem, the 6in, lift with 37in. tires is my problem. getting a new truck is not an option (i know the demon i have already),a reputable off road shop say not to lower the truck to match rv, but match rv to truck, any ideas, i need help fast.
They just want more of your money.  Take the truck back to stock.  Raising the trailer is plane ridiculous.
Raising the trailer more than a couple of inches makes it just that much more top heavy. Also the large tires changes your gear ratio as to be unsuitable for towing.

Do you want a truck that looks cool or a truck that will do what you need it to do?  How much off roading will you do vs how much towing?  My vote is to put the truck back to stock. 
tnx for the advice,i like my truck lifted because it stands out from every other around,but i also know i would be compremising the safety of my family if i did anything other than lower my rig. by the way anyone ot ther towing a 12,000 5th wheel with this truck,please let me know. im towing a 30ft travel trailer now with now problem, it weighs 9,000lbs, if any special mods needed let me know, tnx.
I'd have to agree with the others......the off road shop just wants more of your $$$$.

I'm stock height (FX-4) with the 20" wheel option and I don't have any problem pulling my 5er.  But once you lower your truck back to stock height, your wheels probably will not fit at 37".  That's a bit extreme.
frmckee said:
by the way anyone ot ther towing a 12,000 5th wheel with this truck,

Not exactly . . . but close. I weigh in at 24K plus ready for the road with an '08 6.4 dually and 5'er. You didn't say. Is yours a dually? I'm guessing not because of the lift and tie mods. It would be better (more stable) if it were.
Larger tires put more stress on the driveline and wastes fuel. Then being higher in the wind also add more wind drag. I say reduce to stock height and stock tires and enjoy. I hate to say it I'm offroad more than most people and never found a reason for 35-37" tires ever. I'm a Idaho firewood hauler...  8)

frmckee said:
tnx for the advice,i like my truck lifted because it stands out from every other around,but i also know i would be compremising the safety of my family if i did anything other than lower my rig. by the way anyone ot ther towing a 12,000 5th wheel with this truck,please let me know. im towing a 30ft travel trailer now with now problem, it weighs 9,000lbs, if any special mods needed let me know, tnx.
Have a Cedar Creek that tips the scales right at 13,500 pounds ready to travel.  There is no way in heck I would ever consider jacking the trailer up or towing it with anything less than a dually.  IMHO your truck is borderline in stock condition and downright foolish as is.  You may like the looks, but I can almost guarantee you will hate it after attempting to pull that loaded trailer with it as is.  At the end of the day, it is your money and your decision what to do.  But consider how unstable your lifted truck is now, without throwing 2500+ pounds into the rear.  not only that but most aftermarket suspension systems used to lift trucks also use much lower rated springs.  meaning your f350 is in reality now about equal to a F150+ maybe a F250 if your lucky.
you are absolutely rite no doubt, im just gonna take the plunge an lower my rig and call it a day. better safe than sorry
I too had a very nice F250 lifted. Pulled our trailer a few times and decided it was time for something
that would actually pull. I had a beautiful  2007 Black F-250 and hated to part with it but that 6.0 and
the lift were just too much. I went out and bought a stock 2011 F250 and now happier than ever.
she is fully loaded and pulls our trailer like there's nothing back there. I do intended to at least add
some nice wheel, tires and fender flares soon but no lift.
You have a 2003 Ford with the 6 liter diesel and 95,000 miles. I have a 2004 with the same engine. This engine has a bad reputation and I am wondering if you have had any serious problems with it? I have 20,000 miles on mine and have had no problems. This truck has to last me so I am curious. I did some research and found out a few things not to do such as not idling cold, not letting the boost get over 25 lbs., and not installing a power chip. I would appreciate hearing from you about your experience with this engine.
keroburner said:
You have a 2003 Ford with the 6 liter diesel and 95,000 miles. I have a 2004 with the same engine. This engine has a bad reputation and I am wondering if you have had any serious problems with it? I have 20,000 miles on mine and have had no problems. This truck has to last me so I am curious. I did some research and found out a few things not to do such as not idling cold, not letting the boost get over 25 lbs., and not installing a power chip. I would appreciate hearing from you about your experience with this engine.

Kero, the biggest single thing to watch on the 6 liter is the oil & egr coolers. I'd highly suggest getting a ScanGaugeII so you can monitor all of your temps and make sure your oil to coolant temp delta remains in spec. This is critical and in my opinion the key to getting long life from the Navistar 6.0.

Some other things that are a good idea, a coolant filter and the blue spring for the fuel pump.

Here's what happens 97% of the time when a 6.0 self destructs.  Over time the oil cooler clogs with casting sand and crud from worn out dirty coolant. This causes your oil temp to rise which in turn causes the coolant going through the egr cooler to become too hot, eventually the egr cooler bursts, the engine ingests coolant, which stretches the head bolts and blows the head gaskets.

Also on your high pressure oil system, theres a snap to fit fitting that should be replaced with the better, later version.

Check the boots on your turbo, they degrade over time. Also if you've ran the truck hard letting it idle for 5 minutes will allow the turbo bearings to cool off and add to their life span.

If you need to let your truck idle for long periods of time, get the high idle mod so the turbo won't coke up.

Don't skimp on oil or oil changes, remember the engine oil is also used to operate your injectors. Lubrication for injectors helps too since they forced low sulfur fuel on us. I use 20% biodiesel, but you use 2 cycle oil or other additives too.

Change your fuel filters and drain the separator. 


You have a 2003 Ford with the 6 liter diesel and 95,000 miles. I have a 2004 with the same engine. This engine has a bad reputation and I am wondering if you have had any serious problems with it? I have 20,000 miles on mine and have had no problems. This truck has to last me so I am curious. I did some research and found out a few things not to do such as not idling cold, not letting the boost get over 25 lbs., and not installing a power chip. I would appreciate hearing from you about your experience with this engine.

I to have a 2003 f250 with the 6.0.  I have over 286000 miles on mine its never been chiped. I just recently had my first major issue in hpop oil pump an cooler going out...but according to my mechanic that should of went a long time ago.  He says those normally go out around 125000 to 135000 miles an thats not saying it will happen to everybody but that is the norm that he sees.  I deleted the egr valve an cooler in my opinion that is a must with this engine.  I put a cold air intake an bigger exhaust on it which made a big difference also.  I honestly have no complaints about mine has lasted me 7 years now.  Pulls what i want when i want.
mrtkn76 said:
I to have a 2003 f250 with the 6.0.  I have over 286000 miles on mine its never been chiped. I just recently had my first major issue in hpop oil pump an cooler going out...but according to my mechanic that should of went a long time ago.  He says those normally go out around 125000 to 135000 miles an thats not saying it will happen to everybody but that is the norm that he sees.  I deleted the egr valve an cooler in my opinion that is a must with this engine.  I put a cold air intake an bigger exhaust on it which made a big difference also.  I honestly have no complaints about mine has lasted me 7 years now.  Pulls what i want when i want.

The egr cooler isn't the real culprit, it's a clogged oil cooler that causes the egr to blow.

Also, have you had any issues getting your truck to pass inspection with the egr bypass on it?
I deleted the egr cooler an valve with in the first year of having the truck.  It wasnt blown or anything just from what i heard and was told it was a must do for this engine.  The oil cooler and pump went out in november.  We dont have the emissions check here in this part of ohio yet. I know there in columbus and other cities in ohio just not where i am located.
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