Forest Service campgrounds closed.... after Labor Day...get forum strong

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Well-known member
May 14, 2013
Years ago all the campgrounds were open.. there were no locked gates at Forest Service campgrounds... now it seems they are closing earlier every year.... does no good for one person to voice concerns.. wondering if the forum members voiced their concerns and got active on this issue... could we make a difference???

I know our local forest service had many complaints about conditions and early closure.. they have now extended their open time.

Not sure there is a thread on this issue or if anyone else shares our frustration when temps are in 70s and gates are locked...

Thanks ... Donna and Mark
It takes people to operate campgrounds. Trash needs picked up, toilets cleaned, potable water systems tested and maintained, roads maintained, volunteer camp hosts need to be recruited and supported, general ranger/law enforcement presence occasionally to keep folks behaving correctly. All our federal land management agencies - BLM, FS, NPS- have had their budgets cut. Seasonal ranger spots used to be 5 month positions, now they are 4 mont for example. Want the parks open more? Get the government to fund them.
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