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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2006
Urbana, IL
and thought I would jump in for a visit.? My wife and I have a Fleetwood 330RLDS, and pull it with a 04 1/2 Dodge 2500 Diesel.? My wife has Multiple Sclerosis, so camping during the very hot days of summer is out of the question.? Sometimes we make a short trip, but if you know anything about MS, you will understand.?

Grumpy said:
and thought I would jump in for a visit.? My wife and I have a Fleetwood 330RLDS, and pull it with a 04 1/2 Dodge 2500 Diesel.? My wife has Multiple Sclerosis, so camping during the very hot days of summer is out of the question.? Sometimes we make a short trip, but if you know anything about MS, you will understand.? Grumpy

Welcome aboard,
Keep us informed of those short trips as many of us make just those kind of trips.  Where do you go?

RV Roamer said:
Welcome, Grumpy (and wife too),

Where are you from and where do you travel to?

We live in Urbana, Illinois, and weekend trips are to Mahomet, Effingham or Oakwood, IL.? Last weekend we went to Thorntown, Ind, which is about 90 miles away.? Vacations are spent where ever the wife would like to go see.? She has a 4 wheel Pride Mobility Scooter in the event that a lot of walking needs to be done, or if we are on? uneven ground.?

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Please look around the forum, join in on any of the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions.  Welcome aboard.

I know exactly what your talking about regarding MS.  My mother in law has it.
Ron said:
Welcome to the RV Forum.? Please look around the forum, join in on any of the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions.? Welcome aboard.

I know exactly what your talking about regarding MS.? My mother in law has it.

Thanks.? I'm going to try, depending on what time I get home, join the campfire on Wednesday night.? I don't know if I have the long run or short run on Wednesday.?

I don't know which type of MS your mother-in-law has, but I feel for her, and wouldn't wish this on anybody.? Because we don't know if my wife is going to be on her two feet, or in a wheel chair from month to month, I let her pick where she want to go on our vacations.? We have been to Disney in Florida, Mackinac Island, Branson, Nashville, Chattanooga, Dollywood, and countless other places.? When I traded in the 99 Powerstroke 2 years ago, it had over 100,000 miles on it.? The Dodge, being 2 years old next month, is all ready at 40,000.?

Anyway...the best to your mother-in-law.?

Grumpy: I just got on your case, in another thread. Changed my mind. I love your coach "tool!" Now, I hope you're in the mood for another issue.

My wife and I, both challenged a bit, have been looking at the Pride Mobility Scooter, on line. Can't find one to look at, here. Looks good, on line.

So, maybe others will excuse this deviation from the subject for me to request a brief review of scooter.

How is it, for durability? It is advertised to handle rough terrain. How does it do, in and around a campsite, on dirt or gravel, or bumpy grass, for that matter? How is it for handling on an incline, both up and down? How dificult is it to load and unload, when you use it in the field? How far are you willing to go, away from the RV, with it?


Ray D
Ray D said:
Grumpy: I just got on your case, in another thread. Changed my mind. I love your coach "tool!" Now, I hope you're in the mood for another issue.

My wife and I, both challenged a bit, have been looking at the Pride Mobility Scooter, on line. Can't find one to look at, here. Looks good, on line.

So, maybe others will excuse this deviation from the subject for me to request a brief review of scooter.

How is it, for durability? It is advertised to handle rough terrain. How does it do, in and around a campsite, on dirt or gravel, or bumpy grass, for that matter? How is it for handling on an incline, both up and down? How dificult is it to load and unload, when you use it in the field? How far are you willing to go, away from the RV, with it?


Ray D

My wife has the pride mobility legend XL scooter.? It is the 4 wheel type.? Takes 2 batteries to run it.? The shipping weight is 400 pounds.? I load/unload the scooter in the bed of my pick-up truck, that has a high back topper on it, using a set of plastic ramps that collapse to about 6 foot.? You may have seen them, they are yellow in color.? Anyway, it is very easy to load the scooter in the truck.? Put the ramps down, and? you can stand beside the scooter and put it in the truck.? To aid me, I installed a winch in the bed of the truck, then, using a set of motorcycle guides mounted to some plywood, put the scooter in the bed of the truck.? This way the scooter sets in the same place every time, and you don't have to worry about guiding it in.? I did this so in the event that I broke my arm or something while we were out, the wife would be able to get the scooter in the truck, with a bit of help with the ramps.?

I've tried to turn the scooter over.? Running full speed, hard right and left turns.? Have not been able to do it.? It has stability wheels on the back, and with it being 4 wheel, it is very stable.? Over curbs, in the gravel, in the grass, it has been everyplace.? If you have ever been to Silver Dollar City, you know there is nothing around there that is flat.? Took it from parking lot "C", to the main gate, then about 5 or so hours around Silver Dollar City.? Never even come close to running the batteries down.?

This is a 24 volt system.? The light bulbs are 24 volts.? We have had her scooter about 3 years now, and the only thing that I had to do is replace the batteries this year.? I was told this is not uncommon.? Even with one battery showing only 8 volts on a load test, my wife still used the cart an entire weekend, and it never did leave her stranded.? I would suggest getting both the front and rear baskets.? Makes it handy to carry everything for those pot luck dinners when we camp with our Good Sam group.? The batteries are gelled, sealed batteries.? They run about $120 each, and they last about 2 to 3 years.

If you send me your e-mail address, and if you want, I can show you thee ramp set up that I put the scooter in the truck with.? We have a friend that has a Cypress 5th wheel, and this scooter will fold down to the point that it will fit in his pass thru front compartment.?

You can contact me via e-mail or this formum if you need any more info.? I will be glad to help if I can.?


Welcome Grumpy - I'm rather new to the forum and TOTALLY new to RVing.  I have yet to purchase an RV.  I'm located right down the "block" from you in Springfileld (actually Rochester).  I'll be in Champaign in a month to help my son move in for his Jr year at U of I.
ChinMusic said:
Welcome Grumpy - I'm rather new to the forum and TOTALLY new to RVing.? I have yet to purchase an RV.? I'm located right down the "block" from you in Springfileld (actually Rochester).? I'll be in Champaign in a month to help my son move in for his Jr year at U of I.

Ahhhh, move in day at the U or I.  I do know where Rodchester is.  If I remember correctly, (and if it is still there) there was a Shell gas station on the major north/south road.  I use to deliver that.  Anyway......

What type of RV are you thinking about buying?  I've been camping sense I was very young.  The first RV I can remember Mom and Dad having was a 1960 Holiday Rambler, and a 1960 International Pick-up truck. 

Welcome to the forum, and maybe when you get your RV, we can do a meet and great. 

Again, welcome, and good luck to your son at the U of I. 


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