Francis Scott Key bridge, Baltimore, MD

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Well, yeah. Getting a channel open that allows some of the smaller vessels to get through is going to help clear traffic and get some products on the move, and provide work for the dock workers and reliever some of the traffic jam.
Every step forward helps.
There's been a shallow draft (11') detour open for weeks. The controlling depth of the ICW is 12' so barge traffic is all that's going in and out of there until the main channel is cleared. I expect the channel to be cleared and open to deep draft traffic soon.
"The Fort Carroll Temporary Alternate Channel has been opened by the Captain of the Port."

"The third temporary channel to be opened in Baltimore since the collapse of the Key Bridge has a depth of 20 feet a 300-foot horizontal clearance, and a vertical clearance of 135 feet."

Normal smaller boat traffic is also moving in and out of the port.
I know and they are setting some shipping records I'm told even with just the small boats (But I'm not sure if those products were not already in the harbor) But "Hauling" is slang for not just carrying goods but doin tit big time. major acts and they are "Hauling" scrap metal out of there as fast as they possibly can. The more they haul, the bigger the boats that can get in and out.

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