Fresh Water Direct to Water Heater?

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2009
This is hardly technical but I didn't know where else it should go.

Am I correct in thinking that when I hook up my hose and use the city fill (I think) switch that the water bypasses the fresh water tank?  Does it fill up the hot water heater?  I don't want the water to enter my fresh water tank, in other words.
If you have a fill valve, you may be able to direct the city water to fill the fresh water tank.  Yes, city water will fill the water heater tank.  City water enters the plumbing system after the water pump and services all the same piping.
There are two valves or sets of valves, they have nothing to do with each other.

One (usually located near the city water inlet) is the "Quick Fill" valve, this valve directs water EITHER into the water system, or into the fresh water supply tank, from the city water inlet.. NOTE: if it's not FULLY in one or the other position, it can allow water to flow both ways. (I have had that happen).

The other valve (or set of vavles can be 1, 2 or 3 valves) bypass the water heater. they have nothing to do with the fresh tank at all.
You can often fill the fresh water tanking using a valve supplied for that purpose.  To avoid filling  the fresh water tank, simply leave the valve in the 'off '  or normal position.

To avoid filling the hot water heater tank you need to use the winterizing valve(s). These come in a variety of configurations of 1, 2, or 3 valves that are most likely located close to the HW tank itself. How they are to be set will depend on which system you have. If this valve (or valves) is/are not set properly, the HW tank will fill from the city water supply automagically. (This system is normally used for winterizing the water system so that you don't fill the tank with antifreeze unnecessarily.)

Look in the library under winterizing for more info on the possible configuration of these valves.

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