Fresh water fill

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Aug 13, 2018
New to this forum, Can anyone tell me on a 1991 foretravel Grand villa unihome, if there is a fresh water fill valve to bypass city water and fill the tank. I  cant even find the tank only the city water hook up.Thanks Mick
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The valve you talk about would not bypass the city water. All it would do is instead of the city water pressurizing your entire fresh water system, it would divert the city water to the fresh water tank for filling. Then you'd have to switch it back to be able to use city water. A RV that old may not have that option. You may just have the gravity fill port.  Add some water to the tank and see if you see any water draining under the RV. Look for 1 pipe hanging down by itself. It will have either a cap on the end of the pipe or a valve used for draining. That valve could also be inside the RV someplace near the tank. You need to find the pipe first then try to figure out how the flow is blocked. Cap or valve.
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