Front End Alignment

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2010
We've had our 2005 38' Itasca Suncruiser (Workhorse W24 chassis) for 6 years now and put 51 K miles & smiles on it. Even though my wife suggested checking it, (maybe because my wife suggested checking it?)  ;) and others on here said it would make a difference, I was ok with a little "wondering" on the highway... kinda kept me involved and attentive. But lately it was getting a little more aggrevating and since I just put on 6 new Michelin's, I thought now may be the time to take it in for a compter alignment.

Wow! Apparently it had just a small amount of toe out on the one side, but what a difference it made! Now it goes straight and steady with a motionless wheel-amazing! If you have a "Wondering Winnie" don't wait like I did. Find a good computer alignment facility and have it checked & corrected if need be.  Gene

You need to go to a truck alignment shop - your basic car alignment or tire shop can't do an adequate job. Probably won't even fit on their equipment.

It's been awhile, but last price I heard for an alignment on a gas chassis coach was around $100, but it can vary a lot by region and metro vs rural area.
Hi all-
Sorry, I didn't get back on until now. I live near Butler, PA (in western PA) and the name of the place was Bauman's Comput-A-Line, on Rt 356 in Cabot (east of Butler). I don't know if there is a franchise elsewhere or not, although I did see another listed in NJ. I left the MH there all day but I probably could have stayed in it. The cost was $117.00 but worth every penny-it drives absolutely straight as an arrow with no wondering!

Gary's comment applies here because they do a lot of large trucks as well as cars.

For those of you in the eastern US, Service Tire Centers is a large truck tire company with many locations around the area. They also do front end and drive axle alignment. You can find out more about them here.

I can highly recommend them. I have purchased three complete sets of tires from them over the years and one alignment. They specialized in the large over the road truck and bus tires and service.

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