Front Windshield Sunshade Recommendation

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2010
What do you Class A owners recommend for shade/sun block for your front windshield?  8)

Scott  :)
I used the Sunguards from these folks on my 2006 Fleetwood Expedition for two years and was extremely satisfied. I installed the twist locks myself and they are not everyone's favorite fastener, but worked fine for me. They did require me to use a ladder to get the top fastened.

Being in the West most of the summer, with little shade, they were really worth it.

The new coach uses a motorized day and night shade on the inside, similar to the MCD style. Obviously, the motorized shades are more expensive, but I know everyone who uses MCD's seems to swear by them. We were on our way to have MCD's installed when we stumbled onto the new coach. It would have been cheaper to buy just the shades.  8)
Our first set of sun shades required climbing a ladder so after the first few uses they stayed under the coast unless we were staying put for several days. Our last two sets are RV Quickshades that attach to the inside of the windshield in about two minutes.

Contrary to other opinions they do not seem to generate heat inside the coach and have caused no problems with our windshields.
I also use the RV Quickshades like Jeff.  They are easy to put up and take down and realy cut down the heat.  I have not had any problems with the windshield or heat buildup either.  I also have a set of shades that go on the outside of the coach that we use when we are staying in one place all week.  They snap on over the windshield and driver/passenger windows on the outside and are better for privacy than the inside shades.  They do require getting on a ladder or step to install, but they work very well also.  When we just stop for a night or two, or if it's raining, I use the inside shades. 

At one of the Hop-Skip-Jump Forum rallies I saw Jerry Fitzgerald put up his outside front windshield sunscreen while standing on the ground. NO ladders! No snaps. I order one as soon as we got home and have been using it for 3 years.


Hi Ken,

I've seen Jerry's rave reviews of this product. Just looked at their site, and the only thing I can't quite figure out is how both ends are attached (they left that bit out of their video, and I don't see pictures). They have this explanation on that page:

"It is held in place with two tension straps and Kwik Klips attached to the side window frames (center door models), or to either a suction cup mount, the rain gutter, or a support plate (front door models) on the passenger door entry side."

I assume you and Jerry have the "support plate(s)" on your DPs (?), but I'm having a tough time picturing it/them. Since the bars in the ends of the screens are aluminum, it can't be a magnetic attachment to the plates. Is it Velcro? How well do they hold up in wind? Any chance of a picture of those plates when time permits? TIA.
What a timely topic.  I've been trying to decide just what type windshield shade/cover I want.
As a further note, we specifically chose the twist lock fasteners to resist wind pulling anything less secure off. We have been out West in 40 mph winds on numerous occasions and you don't want the wind snapping any tension style fasteners and your windscreen ends up down the road. Yes, we watched one go.

As far as the ladder issue goes, it's a five minute setup job, and since we typically park for days at a time, it was not a big deal. If you don't carry a ladder, though, it's a big deal.

And one last warning about pulling them tight - if they are not very secure, they will quickly abrade paint in a windstorm.

My experience, yours free!  8)

ON the passenger side it's held by a suction cup. They do have a clip you can mount to the motorhome. I have one as I wasn't convinced that a suction cup would hold when we are parked at Ht for months, but the suction cup works just great.

You start unrolling the shade on from the passengers side.

On the drivers side it uses a black solid rubber (like the trucker's bungies) that runs from the center (top to bottom) of the shade to a clip the attached to the rubber cord and then hooks around the center post on the drivers side window.

The shade has flat aluminum bars on each side.

Note we have been in 40+ mph winds. Even here at HT we often get 30+ mph and have seen much higher. As long as the sides are flat there is really no place for the wind to get hold of the shade.

See pictures.



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    Motorhome Windshade 002.JPG
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    Motorhome Windshade 004.JPG
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Ken, do these shades offer any privacy at night, or do you still need to close the curtains when lights are on inside the coach?
Additional info:

We store ours in a 4" "sewer" pipe with caps.

More thoughts on the winds. Once this summer we were in winds high enough that we brought the slides in, but I never even thought about the windshield cover. Our summer trips are 5+ months covering 8 to 9K miles. We usually stop for 2 days to a week at various locations. We use the sun screen anytime we are facing the sun, which seem like most of the time. We use it even if it is only a few days. On our previous MH with a snap on sun screen we rarely used it on trips, just too inconvenient.


No sunscreen offers privacy at night. During the day yes, but as you can see out during the day, people outside can see in at night - assuming you have lights on.

My motor home has an inside full coverage drop down (MCD type) windshield cover and and inside sun screen.

During the day if the sun is indirect we use only the inside sun screen. If we are in a location with direct sun, the we use both the outside and the inside sunscreens. At night we use the solid drop down cover for privacy.

I should note that we might use the outside sunscreen less if we could drop our inside sunscreen to the dash, but our cats won't allow that! They want the dash.

Thanks Ken,

I guessed that to be the case.  I just needed confirmation so I wouldn't purchase the wrong thing from ignorance alone :D .  I like the looks of your shade and will probably go with that.

I just dropped those folks an e-mail, inquiring if they had the old Bounder measurements on file, or could provide detailed measuring instructions for me.  thanks again, lou

BTW - Ringo learned how to get between the windshield and the curtains long ago. :)

Ken's photos show it just like ours (thanks Ken).  We've never once had an issue with wind.  It really does stay in place.  We use the suction cup on the passenger side and the strap on the driver side.  We wet the suction cup before applying it and that seems to make it stick well enough

Re the ladder.  After breaking my elbow falling off a ladder while working on the motorhome, we try not to use one unless absolutely necessary.  This RV Sunscreen eliminates the need for using a ladder and, therefore, one less chance of getting hurt.  We do occasionally use our one-step outside door step to reach if the front end is very high because of a sloping site but no ladder is needed.

By the way, on previous motorhomes we've had both the snap and twist-lock kind of fasteners and both required use of a ladder.


You'll like the convenience of the shade. I had to measure and when I received the shade it was a little too wide and wasn't quite snug on one side. I took pictures and send them to Prompt RV Shade. They just said send it back and they would fix it - which they did very quickly. Good chance it was my fault with the measurements, but they never questioned fixing it.

Thanks for the photos Ken. How do you reach those attachment points without a ladder? Do you reach through the windows?
We have used the Prompt RV sunscreen for the last four problems.  I are sized to fit your windshield.

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