Furnace 101

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
As in my other thread I was having thermostat lock-up problems so last night I unplugged the bedroom radio, didn't turn on any florescent lights, removing as much RFI as possible and the thermostat worked as it should, yeehaa

So I toggled through the zones and modes, set the temps and the furnaces started blowing air, cold air, for a short time (about one minute) then they shut down, bummer. I had the propane on and I also ignited a burner on the stove to purge the line before I tried the furnace.
My questions are, does the coach need to be level in order for the furnaces to work? Will the furnaces operate while traveling? If you can't operate the furnace while moving, how do you warm up the MH in this kind of weather in order to go somewhere? (this kind of weather is low 30's in the morning to mid 40's in the afternoon)
Thanks for all your help,
No, the RV does not need to be level for the furnace to run.  Yes, you can run it while traveling.  Look at this page in the forum library for some furnace troubleshooting information.

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