Furnace/AC Thermostat

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New member
Mar 17, 2019
My apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. I did a search and didn't see anything.

I have a Lance 855S, and the thermostat works great! Almost too good, actually. My problem is the deadband is too short. I set it for 65 deg, and it starts the furnace when the temp drops to 64, and turns off when it hits 65, making for the furnace to turn on/off way too many times, especially at night. I have the AC option as well, although haven't had the need to use it much, but I suspect it does the same thing.

My question is: is there a digital RV thermostat out there that has a larger deadband, maybe like 4 deg, instead of 1, that is suitable for both heat and cooling?
Welcome to the RV Forum Kristi

It may be possible that the thermostat you have is adjustable. But I would suggest that a 4 degree swing might be a bit to much. See if you can find us a model number of the thermostat.
This is impossible to answer without knowing the brand and model of your current Air conditioning and heating systems
Thank you for responding.

The part number for the thermostat is a Coleman 9430-3382. I have the installation/operation sheet associated with it, and there's no mention of internal settings, just the different modes.

I need to go look to see what the brand/model number of the furnace and AC are, as I don't remember right off hand.
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