General Question on 5th Wheel Storage

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2006
Evansville, IN
Hi - I'm thinking of buying a new 5th wheel.? I cannot park it outside at my current home (subdivision rules).? Pending building a new home with an RV garage (which may take several years for various reasons), I'm considering buying the 5th wheel next Spring/Summer in which case I'll need to store it somewhere.? From what I hear, the options are:

1) store it outside in a totally open (uncovered) secure storage facility
2) store it under roof (but outside) in a secured storage facility
3) store it within a fully enclosed/covered storage facility

I've not seen any fully enclosed areas yet around here (Evansville, IN), although I think one may exist.? But I'm guessing it would cost at least $150-$200/month for a fully enclosed area.? I have seen covered (roofed), yet open areas for $110/month (but I worry about other people hitting the 5th wheel when I'm not around).? And I have seen totally open (uncovered) facilities relatively cheap, but then the unit would be exposed to all the elements (sun, rain, sleet, etc.).

Question - are there any "hard and fast" rules about how to store a 5th wheel?? For instance, I notice alot of people frown on keeping a 5th wheel sitting outside (uncovered) in direct sunlight most of the time.? Does sunlight really harm the roof that much?? Also, I notice alot of people use wheel/tire covers.? Are these types of things really necessary?? What are the best practices to follow while keeping a 5th wheel stored?


Mind sits outside all the time.  No problem.

Covers can cause more problems than they solve.

If you cover the tires, you might get seven years out of them.  If you don't cover them, they will last about seven years.  If either case it's a good idea to replace them after 5 years.

My trailer, with a rubber roof, has sat outside in Southern California with no real effect, other than desperately needing a washing before trips due to big city crud.  Don't have to cope with snow loads tho.
My TT and now my 5th wheel stays outside in secure storage.  I have a parking spot assigned and so does everyone else.  If your rig gets hit, you have insurance and you can find out who is parked next to you.  Also, there a computer access list/log of who came in to the lot and when. As stated above, keep tires covered, and wash it when needed.  I do not use a cover, they cause more problems then solutions.  They are made to be outside.
While they are made to be outdoors, the finish will look better longer if the unit is covered.

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