Generator Exhaust Options

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John From Detroit

Well-known member
Apr 12, 2005
Davison Michigan
If I recall correctly, In the old days and place, an thread was posted about routing the generator exhaust up through the roof on a motor home (This would most likely solve all issues with lighter than air monixode entering the sleeping quarters and making your rest turn into "The big sleep"

Does anyone know if that thread made the transistion or have any info on it... I think I may wish to discuss it with my dealer later on next month at the afore mentioned (in another thread) upgrade/maintain & complain session (Very minor complaint re:MH, some more serious ones re Dealer techs)
We use a Genturi exhaust extender when boondocking in close proximity to others.  Unless it was designed in, to route a generator exhaust to the roof internally would be a lot of work, and not possible in most RVs.
John In Detroit said:
Does anyone know if that thread made the transistion or have any info on it

No threads were moved here. The discussions I recall were related to re-routing generator exhaust to the other side of the coach, not up through the roof. As Ned suggests, a Genturi might be the best way to go if you want to exhaust above the coach. I've heard that they're required when running a generator at FMCA ralliies.
And we require them at Quartzsite, if you want to park next to me.  Lorna is allergic to diesel fumes from her many years at Pepsi and a generator running outside an open window can actually make her ill.  We carry large potatoes for those that don't comply :)
Tom said:
No threads were moved here. The discussions I recall were related to re-routing generator exhaust to the other side of the coach, not up through the roof. As Ned suggests, a Genturi might be the best way to go if you want to exhaust above the coach. I've heard that they're required when running a generator at FMCA ralliies.


I think that is an urban legend :)  We were just at FMCA=Minot and, while we were parked in the electric area, saw or read no warning requiring generator exhaust vents. We are headed to the Rocky Mountain FMCA Area Rocky Mountain Ramble in Winnemucca, NV and will be parking in the generator area and, again, have seen no requirement for the vents.
I'm sure Reiters will have extra potatoes for anyone else that requires them for the same purpose. ;D ;D

It may just be a common courtesy thing or unwritten rule at FMCA rallies.? I'm sure potatoes would work there too if required. ;D
I, too, have never seen it in writing at an FMCA convention, but it is just courtesy and common sense not to let your exhaust enter your neighbors window.
My exhaust isn't at window level and my window is not at exhaust level. If someone's generator fumes were coming in my window I might close the window or move upwind, but I realize that's probably not possible at an FMCA rally.

Don't mean to make light of any medical situations as I have my own. But, quite honestly, I'd never heard of a Genturi until the last Qz rally. I'd also never run the generatorcontinuously as much as I did at QZ.

It makes a lot of sense now.
Just a further note. Although John is technically correct that carbon monoxide is lighter than air, for all practical purposes it is so close to the specific gravity of air that it "hangs around" rather than rapidly rising into the atmosphere. That makes it very dangerous in congested areas.  We have experienced anchored boats with generators running creating sufficient carbon monoxide to cause swimmers to pass out.

If you get a Genturi, then you can park next to me again.  Otherwise, you just can't use your generator :)

I have a Genturi, courtesy of a generous forum staff member (he was either trying to drop a hint ot he felt sorry for me). But every time I go to the hardware or auto store I forget to take along the pipe so I can get the right size adapter for the tail pipe.

Until then, I don't mind if you move away from me  ;D
Gee Tom if you hadn'd made arrangements for the 50 amp hookups you could have tapped offen them.  Take the dimensions of what you need for an adapter to a muffler shop the can make one up for you in short order.
Ron said:
Take the dimensions of what you need for an adapter to a muffler shop the can make one up for you in short order.

Now why didn't I think of that!
If you don't want to mess with ordering one, most muffler shops can fabricate an extension for you on the spot.

Comr to think of it Tom I saw an adapter in the shop that came with our Genturi that we aren't using.  If I didn't toss it you can have that.  Let me know what dimensions you need.
Thanks Woody. I just have to remember to go to a muffler shop and then remember what I went there for.
Thanks Ron! I'll measure when we get to the coach later. Currently sitting in the CS lounge at Monaco.
I have no doubt they will Ron. The folks at Wakarusa wouldn't let us leave until we were satisfied and the folks here in Harrisburg already told us that taking care of us is more important than whatever time it takes to do it right. It was good talking with a service advisor who has some idea of how the coach is built and what they can do to fix things. Also good to talk with the foreman.
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