Generator Output

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Active member
Mar 22, 2005
Started my 8KV generator in my 2005 HR Endeavor with shore power unplugged and have no power available at load center in coach. Plugged shore power back in and restarted generator and all works fine. Is supplying power from the gen set at the load center. Automatic Transfer Switch ???      IOTA ITS-50R
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you plugged shore power back in and everything is running fine. If the shore power is plugged in are you certain it isn't supplying the power? Did you check the breaker on the front of the generator to make sure it ( they) isn't popped?
In most RVs the generator is given priority at the transfer switch, but if the generator isn't producing output, the transfer won't know it is there and would use shore power instead. So, odds are you are actually on shore power.

It could be the transfer switch, but check out the generator first as Jeff suggested.  You probably have the Onan QD 8000 and that has a breaker on the generator itself, Turn it off and back on again and see if that fixes the problem.

If that's not it, the next step is to test the voltage at the generator wires to the transfer switch using a voltmeter, but do not do that yourself unless familiar with live 120v wiring. It has to be tested with live voltage and could be fatal if you make a mistake.
Yes, I have checked that breaker. Doesnt fix it. But the load center inside tells me the power is from the gen set. It would normally indicate the 30 Amp shore power if that.
I think I'll take cover off of tranfer switch and start there with voltmeter, but is too cold here in Indiana to do that today.
hapecamper said:
Yes, I have checked that breaker. Doesnt fix it. But the load center inside tells me the power is from the gen set. It would normally indicate the 30 Amp shore power if that.
I would think your HR would have 50-amp shore power or is that all that is available where it is plugged in?
I installed 30 in my building when I had a smaller unit, but it works fine for just a home base hookup.
Took the cover off the transfer switch, and with gen running and shore unplugged I have voltage from gen to switch but none leaving the switch, as verified with meter. I am assuming bad Iota switch, which is discontinued. Ordered new replacement switch as recommended by Monaco. Waiting

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