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New member
May 6, 2019
New to this forum, looking to buy a 2006 econoline e350.
It had a generator permanently mounted at one time on the drivers side at the rear of the van.
May I drop in a portable generator (champion 3100) and run the exhaust under and out, like an exhaust pipe?
Or is it better in the long term to go with something similar to the Onan 4000?
Portables are air-cooled and depend on running in open air to get good air flow around it. Hard to guess if the existing compartment will allow adequate air flow or not until you try. Good luck!
I don't trust portables in enclosed spaces.  I had one several years ago develop a fuel leak which almost burned my home down and caught two of my vehicles that were in the driveway on fire.

I've read that fuel lines and sealing carb gaskets should be replaced every 5 years on portables and I now follow that religiously.  Fire was caused by a fuel leak either from fuel line failing or disconnecting, or carb seal giving out.    I used to run this generator in my garage with both doors open and am glad I ran it outside the day it exploded.

Good point, Drewd.  A portable mounted in a coach means there is an unprotected fuel tank that is going to be at least partially full all the time. Vehicle mounted fuel tanks have to meet safety standards for location and collision protection, but the tank on a portable is whatever it is.  Further, filling that tank is very likely going to mean occasional spillage, another fire risk. Filling is almost surely awkward, too. Most are designed assuming yu can pour straight in from the top, rarely feasible once mounted in a compartment.
This post reminded me of the Kee Bird, the B29 that was frozen in ice in Greenland, after emergency landing, for almost 50 years. Was pulled from ice, restored to flying condition, (3 years work) only to burn to ground from a portable generator that upset and caught fire while plane was taxiing.
The generator was in the tail of the aircraft and when the crew discovered the fire they bailed out and sat in lawn chairs and watched the plane burn totally to the ground( and filmed it).>>>Dan
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