generators does anyone know?

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New member
Oct 20, 2012
Hi, we are new to the forum and have been scouring the internet to help us with a problem with our 1994 Damon Hornet. I cannot seem to find the original generator that came with this camper. We bought it from a nice couple who had a portable generator hitched to the back end. The onboard generator has obviously been replaced with a generac gen, and it does not power up everything inside- so discouoraged since we just bought it and have gone on one trip with the kids only to find the gen not working right... simply put- we need to put the original in, but cant find the specs for this model. Should we go "ghetto" with the portable or replace the onboard? Yeah, if we could find the right one.. any clues out there my camper friends?
Does not really matter what brand was original equipment.  What matters is A, was it installed properly.  And ,B, was it sized correctly.  My guess the original was a 4 KW generator. Figure out what the one you have is and if it is around 4KW it should,have enough power for everything except maybe a second AC.  What is not working on generator power?
I don't know if replacing the generator with whatever the original one was is all that important.  I like the idea of replacing the on board generator with a new model, but I would just shop for one that fits the hole, and your budget.  Most newer generators are going to be WAY more efficient than the original, and also provide more power from the same size unit. 
My 2005 Damon uses an ONAN.. But that said: You said the generator "Does not power up everything inside"  more details please.

What gets power, what does not,, And what model Generator.

Odds are very good they did an improper substutition and odds are even better that the fix is very very simple.

One more question: Is the RV 30 or 50 amp (3 or 4 prong shore power cord).

Thanks... Odds are you need to do something like move one wire to fix it.
If I understand you correctly, you have a generator onboard, a Generac, but it's not the original and some things (or is it every thing?) inside does not receive power. Please explain more about what does and doesn't work, and what the generator does, e.g. starts, runs , etc.
I know how you feel! We used to have a "Ghetto" model as well up until just recently! Haha , we have been living in pretty much luxury ever since...

This little thing has gotten us through a lot of times good and bad, hope you find the answer you are looking for :D
We had a '94 in another brand and Generac was installed then by many manufacturers in the smaller gas models.  I suspect the Generac is factory and something is wrong with it.

If you answer the questions already asked we all should be able to help more than at present.

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