I am coming up on 50 hours on my Onan, (it's running as I type) So far I have had one unscheduled shutdown, and it's entierly possible I caused it by hitting the wrong switch on the dash (The GENERATOR OFF switch) so I'm not complaining, though I do admit when I re-started it it quickly stalled, restarted again No problem
The other problem is last night (it's parked in the impound yard where I work... Just in case I need a toilet, we have none here, OSHA violation, you bet, but that's the way the boss has it set up, we got to call the guard, if he is in, next door, and use THEIR head) Well last night I got a CO alarm, Shut it down, opened up, cleared, Alarm repeated 3 more times... I did find a non-generator issue that may have been allowing exhaust fumes to enter the MH, fixed it (I hope) and as of 8pm... it was still working well (had been on since about 5:30) with no evidence of CO built up in the MH... Course I left an intake fan pulling in fresh air from a long way from the genset too, LOTS of fresh air, which means the AC units are overtaxed.. Well you get the mess up
50 hours is when Onan says "Change Oil" so.. It gets checked,,, Tomorrow