getting mail on the road

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Feb 7, 2007
I was wondering about these mail forwarding services I have heard about. Apparently, they offer a way to get mail while full timing. I believe most people also keep at least a post office box somewhere for state residency requirements. How does mail forwarding work?
We belong to the Escapees Club and use their mail forwarding service which works very well for us.  With this service you can request your mail be sent to an address where you will be on any day of the work week.  We usually have our mail sent on a Friday and receive it on Monday.  There is a charge for this service but we feel it is very well worth the cost.

FMCA also offers a mail forwarding service at no cost except for the postage.  I understand their forwarding service is also very good.  However, you do not have any flexability as to which day your mail is sent out.  The mailing date is based on the first letter of your last name.  In our case we prefer the Escapees service even at the extra cost.

We have used FMCA mail forwarding service for two years now and they have been the best we have found.  Yes they mail by last name but it is every week.  Our's is mailed on Thursday and most of the time we have our mail on Saturday.  We have had no problems with them, can't say that about all.
My PMB is with a UPS Store in Rocklin, CA -- and I am a full timer. I chose to go that way because the Store is close to where I hang out when parked in NCal so I can drive over and pick up my mail if in the area (great restaurants in that area plus the Rocklin CW). Otherwise, I just pick up the phone and tell them where to forward. I don't want it sent on a weekly or any type of schedule -- just when I ask for it. For example, I called yesterday and am having it sent to Gila Bend, AZ. UPS ground gets it to me in 2 days.

A nice feature is that the address does not appear as a PMB -- so I can have packages sent that otherwise do not ship to PO boxes -- and, of course, it's UPS so forwarding is an easy chore.

It has worked well for me for several years now. "Not" a free service, but worth it for me.
I have been using St Brendan's Isle for almost 3 years and have been very happy with the service. Here's a link to their website: St Brendan's Isle

They have several different plans but essentially you pay a monthly service fee and then pay for the shipping. You can have the mail shipped via several different methods, i.e. ground, 2 day, overnight, etc. They are located in FL so you have to call them before noon eastern to get the shipment out that day. Very flexible plan. USPS, UPS, FedEx and DHL....your choice. They have plans for full time and part time RVers (and boaters).
Escapees normally sends the mail via USPS Priority but you can have it sent FedEx if you're pressed for time.  They will also eliminate the 4th class junk mail for you if you specify that option.  If you are expecting something very important, they will open it and read it to you if you ask.  I don't know of any other private mail service that offers so many services as the Escapees mail service does.
Sue, tell us more... I'm thinking of going with FMCA mail service sooner or later (Hopefully sooner... Neighbor is buying her house now (Used to be renting) and they finally decided to do some clean up... I ask if they knew anyone interested in a home near here... THEY DID!!!!!  HOPE, HOPE, HOPE, HOPE  We are at the point where with 2 men and 1 truck we could be gone tomorrow.  One truck, not even full.
Sorry John, it's an ad, as were their prior two messages. So, bye bye.
The basic concept is when you sign up with a mail forwarding service, their address becomes your mail address.  All of your mail is sent to the forwarder's address, they gather it up and re-mail it to you in a large envelope.

The services differ in flexibility.  FMCA's service is free but they send your mail once a week, on a fixed day.  Escapees charges a yearly fee but you can have your mail sent on any schedule you want, you can change your schedule whenever you want or have any waiting mail sent immediately with a phone call.

You can't just file a change of address card with the post office.  First, they are only valid for 6 months.  Second, the post office will only accept one address, and as a fulltimer you'll be moving constantly.  The post office forwarding is designed for people who move from one fixed house to another, not RVers.
There are several forwarding services out there.  It depends on what your needs are.  Some of the samller ones customize to your specs, provid mailing options.
We use Travelers Rremail Association and have been pleased with them.  they have new owners that have enhanced their service for its members.

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