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New member
Feb 9, 2013
Hello to all, I look forward to learning alot from the helpful people here, Right now My towing a GMC 2003 sonoma with a 4.3 V-6 vortech motor, She is a Crew cab and both my wife and I really like this truck,  have had load leveling rear shocks added to hold 1200 Lbs in the bed before she'll weight down, my towning weight on this truck is 5500 lbs but am looking for some thing around the 4000 to 4500 max weight so I would have a little play room, My wife and I are the only ones traveling and we are looking for just something for the two of us but not so small we feel cramped, but I don't want to try and pull a monster down the road as well, Like I have seen here on the form when you go onto an Rv lot they try to sell you any thing, They are not helpful at All !!, so I am hoping here I can get some helpful ideas, we will be new to the Rving life style but we love to travel and now that our son is off to colleage, we'll have more time, we aren't in no big hurry looking to start withend a 3 to 4 years period, we are both in our Mid. 50's So please all Ideas are welcome, tell me what books or Mag.'s to look at or web sites, I like to cook outside alot but on raing days well need something nice for indoors as well, One nice bed and a big couch, well I guess that enough for now. Look forward to hearing back from all. Thanks Again Zack
I recommend you go to an RV show and walkthrough and sit in as many campers as you can stand to.  Imagine a rainy day...imagine preparing and enjoying dinner...what will it be like if one of you wants to go to sleep and the other wants to watch TV.
Thank You for the info, We went to the big RV show on the east coast in Hershey PA. last summer a big eye opener, will go again this year as well, but 90 percent of the Rv there are ones that my V-6 could not handle, thats my problem I don't want a bigger truck or suv, something I don't want to spend a lot in gas when not pulling a TT, My little truck gets about 20 miles to the Gal. and when pulling around 4500 Lbs it might go down to around 16 to 18 MPH, thats why I am trying to find something light but still nice for two people, Tear drops are out, wife wants a bathroom Period, as she says, all I want is a nice bed, an Ok place to eat when it's raining, and a couple of easy chairs to set in, and I guess a bathroom is nice as well in thoese middle of the night trips. But any ways thank you for your feed back, I'll keep looking. Zack
My little truck gets about 20 miles to the Gal. and when pulling around 4500 Lbs it might go down to around 16 to 18 MPH, thats why I am trying to find something light

You didn't mention what brand/model of truck you have, but in my opinion it will be lucky to see 12-14 mpg while towing 4500 lbs. Small engines don't fare well under large loads - they have to either rev high to get the necessary horsepower or labor along in a lower gear. Or both.

There are numerous trailers in that weight class, but they will be around 18-19 ft in length. You can only fit so much in that size, so you probably won't get everything you want.  Atrailer with a GVWR of 4500 lbs will likley have a dry weight (as shipped from the factory) of around 3500-3700 lbs.  The reason for going to the RV shows is to get a feel for what trailer styles are available that will fit in your weight and price budget.  You may decide that you need to either upgrade your truck or reduce your expectations for the RV.
Thank you Gary for the Info, I am coming to that idea as well, will probley go and see about a good used truck might as well see about a 2500 series that way I don't have to worry too much, and will use my Gmc Somona for my day to day driving and leave the big one just for the rv and maybe run it once or twice a month. this way I could at least get some of the comfort that we are looking for in an rv. Thanks again Zack
Since great mileage is unlikely and you like your current truck, why not got a Motorhome and tow the truck? Might be the best of both worlds.

We bought a TT last year, a 16.5' Jayco feather lite sport and pull it with our Liberty Jeep which can pull 5,000lbs.  It sleep 4, and yes, has a bathroom, and enough of a kitchen to eat in.  Enjoy, Peggy
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