Glad I got my rig winterized.

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R. J. Barton

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2011
Jefferson City, MO
Took the trailer out for the last time on a 3 day excursion on the weekend of the 21St last month. Then early last week got it winterized for the season. Good thing as it's getting into the 20's these past few nights.

Still, it's sad when you pump the pink stuff through the lines, it means the season is officially over. Bummer!  :'(
Matter of opinion.  I Winterized my TT a couple of weeks back.  The water is drained and the pink stuff installed.  But,  the propane is still flowing!  It's Deer hunting season in MI.  Going to be using it this coming weekend and into December.  A couple of good friends, a roaring campfire, maybe a few inches of untouched snow on the ground,...

A perfect way to end a camping season!
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