Good news Re. Prostate Cancer

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2014
I got the good news early this morning that my PSA came back at <.1.

I had surgery in 2017.  It came back. 

I had salvage radiation treatments and chemo this year and haven?t fully recovered from that yet but it appears that they did the job.

Good news indeed.

Great news Russ, thanks for sharing. Good luck with the recovery.
SeilerBird said:
Hey Mud, I am happy for you. I just solved my urination problem by stop drinking Mountain Dew.

I?m not understanding why Mountain Dew would cause a problem.  After all, it doesn?t even have to change color going through.

Ar ar ar.
8Muddypaws said:
I?m not understanding why Mountain Dew would cause a problem.  After all, it doesn?t even have to change color going through.

Ar ar ar.
Very good.
I don't understand it either. I have been drinking one Mt Dew and one Dr Pepper per day. Both diet and both 20 oz. Last week I went to visit some friends in Reno after Paul's concert and they asked me what I would drink. I told them Diet Dr Pepper, so they bought me a six pack and that is all I drank in Reno. When I got home my urination problem had disappeared. The problem was a stream that was not steady. Spurt, spurt, spurt. It would take me five minutes to finish and then I would not feel empty. A week without Diet Mt Dew and I am peeing like a teenager. My dr told me on my last visit my kidneys were only 35% and I should drink more water. So I did a search on kidneys and Mt Dew and found out Mt Dew is not good for the kidneys. I am going to stop the diet Dr Pepper when my current supply is gone. I am switching to Propel Vitamin Water.
I had the radiation treatment back in 2006 and the PSA has crept up to slightly below 2. Recently it goes up and then down. My urologist said as long as it goes up and down don't worry.

Your results sounds great and normal.

Keep a curve of the PSA vs years so you can keep track of all of the data.

I can drill into any of my secure medical history and test results whenever I want.  And ?they? will not lose them the way I would.  :)
That?s great news! I?ve never had a prostate problem but I did have chondro sarcoma. I remember when my Mayo doctor said I was all clear after five years. It was a good day.

So SeilerBird you pee like a teenager now; all over the seat and the bathroom floor!  ;D
And the techs who ran this machine.  And the people who designed and built it.

(Coincidentally, our RV club has a new member who was involved in building these devices at Varian.)

Feeling very lucky.  I was flagged as high risk from the beginning.  My Gleason scores were 7 & 9.  They were downgraded to 5 & 7 after surgery.  The first oncologist I went to when it came back told me I had about a year to get my things in order.  That’s not something anyone wants to hear.  Thankfully she referred me to a radiation oncologist.  When I told him of her prognosis he said ‘Nah, we got this’.


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Oldgator73 said:
That?s great news! I?ve never had a prostate problem but I did have chondro sarcoma. I remember when my Mayo doctor said I was all clear after five years. It was a good day.

So SeilerBird you pee like a teenager now; all over the seat and the bathroom floor!  ;D
And the last three drops always go down my leg.

I never have understood the entire women getting upset for leaving the seat up. Are they unable to look and see if it is up or down and lower it if necessary? Anyway the only women around here are cats and they use a litter box. And I have a rug at the base of the toilet.

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