Good Sam extended service plan.

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
I would like to hear your experiences with good Sam extended service plan.

Here at RV forum I read if you dont have past service records , the service plan is null and void.
There is nothing about that  on the contract, even in the small print.

So just wondering if you have it and your experiences. 
Well, the thing about service records is not categorically true, but it might be applied to engine or transmission damage. Much the same as with any other "extended warranty" service plan.  Expect the claims adjuster to ask very pointed questions to distinguish "wear & tear" from "abuse", including adherence to the manufacturers recommended maintenance procedures.  However, if your water heater springs a leak or your a slide-out motor fails, it would be highly unusual for any questions to be asked at all.

I'm not a big fan of these plans, but many of the loud complaints I read are largely because the buyer listened to the sales guy's fairy tale and neglected to read the actual contract. Or sometimes they thought those exceptions and exclusions would have some slack in them (they don't). If you are expecting bumper-to-bumper, everything covered, no-questions-asked, like the factory warranty, you are going to be VERY disappointed.
X2 on Gary's notes.
We bought the GS service plan because RVs were very new to us and we wanted some peace of mind while traveling, etc.  We have used it a couple times in the past year - one being an expensive generator repair.  Did not have any problems at all, except for finding a service center that could do the work.  If we did not have the service plan, there were alternatives to the repair shop fix.
I think our sales people were very good and up front about the contract and showed us a couple things in the contract, advising us to really read it before deciding.
After that first year, knowing what I know now about RV systems, I would not make that purchase again.  In fact, we are contemplating canceling it for a prorated refund.
I guess it really comes down to the value of the peace of mind and actually understanding the contract,up front.
I recommend going to the link below and see what folks are saying there:
After that first year, knowing what I know now about RV systems, I would make that purchase again.  In fact, we are contemplating canceling it for a prorated refund.

It?s either late in the day and I just can?t comprehend, or you meant to say wouldn?t?
I have a extended warranty, not a Good Sam policy, but I imagine they are pretty much the same.  The warranty was mainly for peace of mind since we bought used and planned on cancelling the policy after putting a few thousand miles on the coach.  We have a very expensive multiplex system and of course the Cummins and Allison which are major items.  We paid $6k for a 3 year unlimited mileage zero deductible policy.  We've had a couple issues and we are getting the multiplex fixed at the moment.  We will be over halfway getting our money out of the policy and still have 2 1/2 years to go.  So at this point we will most likely keep the policy since after paying proration and cancellation fees there isn't that much left to be refunded, they deduct for any money they pay out.  They have not paid for things I think they should have, like the compressor for the air leveling system, not sure why, but we will take it to arbitration to get an answer.  Now the compressor didn't need to be replaced, just worked on, maybe that's the reason, who knows.  Would I advise buying one of these policies?  For the most part no.  But, if you have some major components and time to fight with the insurance company when they won't pay, well maybe.  Another good one, they cover a repair, but only pay for half of it?????  Good luck.
I should add that I have purchased two extended warranty plans from two different companies and have no serious complaints. One for a new coach and had only two claims outside the factory warranty; both were handled OK. I even got a modest refund when I cancelled early (traded the coach).  Second one was for a high end used coach. Had a rash of claims in the 3rd & 4th year of ownership and they were all paid promptly, though always short of the actual total for the repair.  Perhaps 80%-90% on average.  However, there were also several repairs that were not claimed, since both I and the shop knew they would not be covered at all. And also a couple that I elected to do myself simply because taking it to a shop was too much hassle for a simple replacement (DIY repairs are not covered, even if otherwise valid).
I bought an extended warranty through Good Sam for my previous used RV. I planned on keeping it for one year to help fix any issues that might crop up and then cancel it but ended up keeping it for the 4+ years we had the RV. I had only 2 claims, but they were handled very differently.

My first claim was for a starter motor that failed during one of our trips. We were in southern Utah and I had just gotten gas when the engine would not start. My road side assistance (also Good Sam) covered the tow to a local repair shop who said that they worked with Good Sam and would take care of it. The $400 bill cost me about $380 since all Good Sam would cover was $19.00+. When I asked for a reason for the paltry reimbursement they told me that the shop charged too much for the starter and too much time for the install. After the deductible was subtracted they said all I was due was the $19+. I was so unhappy that I nearly cancelled the policy, but decided to wait and see.

My second claim was for a failed AC unit for the RV. This was done in a local shop where I live and they took care of all of the paperwork and coordination with Good Sam and they (Good Sam) covered every penny except for the deductible. As you can see, they did cover my repairs, but you may have issues if your repairs are being done at some place that does not follow the recommended charges.
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