Google Earth

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2005
Full time in RV. Home is where we are parked
Google has a free program that allows you to look at a satellite view of anywhere in the US and parts of the world. It Will put the place name and streets on the view and do all sorts of neat things.

Check it out at

I've sure had fun with it.

Chet18013 said:
Google has a free program that allows you to look at a satellite view of anywhere in the US and parts of the world. It Will put the place name and streets on the view and do all sorts of neat things.

Check it out at

I've sure had fun with it.


Jim - They came to Sun City about a month ago and demo'd it to a large meeting of computer club. They took us litterally around the world and showed all kinds of historical sites, etc. It was fascinating. I noted a short news feed yesterday that said some foreign governments are objecting to it being used. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. The commercial versions at much higher resolutions really get down to great detail and I can see how not only foreign governments but a lot of common folks may not be too thrilled with it. Maybe not big brother looking but maybe your neighbor  ???
Just remember, those are not real time images, but static photos from some unknown time.
Ned said:
Just remember, those are not real time images, but static photos from some unknown time.

Google states they are within the last three years so I assume that would be oldest. However, they stitch these together so any one image could have several times involved. In fact, I found one story where two guys sunning themselves in England some time in recent past were arguably able to find their picture. One of the most intersting stories was where the UK Register asked their readers jokingly to find a black heliocopter. The readers took them seriously and produced pictures of installations of helio's all over.  See

I'm going to have to d/l the program some night when nothing else is going on. It'll take about an hour!

This is a very neat program. But is there any difference beteen the free version and the one you pay for.  I paid $20 for a one year membership thinking I would get better resolution.  But I can't tell any difference so far. 
James Godward said:
If you can find our home you can see the MH in the drive and even tell the slide is out.  You can count the trees in the yard etc. 

I had some work done on my place at Happy Trails in 2003 that shows on the map.

A new school building in my neighborhood in Salt Lake City that was built in 2004 shows on the map.  My motorhome was not parked next to my garage on the day they took the picture.

Chet18013 said:
Jim, I thought that they were putting in WiFi there at TGO. What happened?


WIFI here is about as good as I had in Moab...NADA. I barely see a signal. I'd try an external antenna but they want $5.95/day, $35/month or $350/year for the service. It's not TGO but and an outside vendor. I can get DSL cheaper but we aren't going to be here that long so I haven't persued it.
James Godward said:
If you can find our home you can see the MH in the drive and even tell the slide is out. You can count the trees in the yard etc.


Try these coordinates 40 19' 58.44 N
                              74 19" 35.41W

That should put you right on top of my trailer in the driveway.

If you don't have the coordinates, you can also get very close by just typing in the address. Jake
I can see my older MH sitting in the yard at the side of the house and the two solar panels on the house roof.

Jake said:
This is a very neat program. But is there any difference beteen the free version and the one you pay for.? I paid $20 for a one year membership thinking I would get better resolution.? But I can't tell any difference so far.?

Jake - the added price is some goodies like being able to import GPS data and csv files as well as have e-mail support and higher resolution than screen resolution for printing. I don't know how much better but screen resolution is usually 72 ppi and printing in the 200-300 ppi range. Whether they mean they are supplying it that high I don't know. Bottom line you'll not see it looking at screen.
Thanks for the clarification.  Glad to know I got something for the $20.  Actually, I would have paid $20 for the free version. It's a very nice program. Although, I'm retired, I sometimes work a couple days a week for my old employer when they need some extra help.  We recently used Gooogle Earth to find the location and directions to a hotel in Hamburg, Germany for a crew that was going over.  It's helpful to get the location in your mind before visiting, particularly when you don't know the local language.
This is a pretty neat program.  As far as how old some of the images are, when I go to my address, it shows my pool, which we got May of last year (2004).  That's pretty recent.  If you want to have a little fun with it, zoom into the Hoover Dam, then change the perspective (adjust the tilt where it gives the 3D perspective) and you can fly right into the dam.  You can also "fly" over the lake.  Also go out into the mountains and take a tour.  It is really fun to play with.

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