Google Maps Beta

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
Google has released their mapping interface,  Take a look, it works quite well and the maps are at least as up to date as DeLorme  ;).
Take a look, it works quite well and the maps are at least as up to date as DeLorme? .

I sure hope they can do better than Delorme.? I have never been overly impressed with delorme.

Well, it's not in competition to DeLorme, but is does go against Mapquest and Yahoo Maps.  I like the Google interface more than the other.  Some very nice features are the click and drag to pan and the use of keyboard hotkeys for panning and zooming.  Check out the help for more good stuff.
Had my first casual look at the Google maps and already feel they are better than Delorme or any of the others you mentioned.  Looks like they may have something there.
Google maps just got better.  They have added satellite photos to the maps.  When you have a chosen map area displayed, click on the Satellite link in the upper right corner and get a photo of the same area.  The photos are from the recent Google acquisition of Keyhole Corp.
Ned said:
Google maps just got better.? They have added satellite photos to the maps.? When you have a chosen map area displayed, click on the Satellite link in the upper right corner and get a photo of the same area.? The photos are from the recent Google acquisition of Keyhole Corp.

That is pretty cool Ned.  Thanks for the heads up.
And Google mail just doubled the online storage to 2GB.
Just discoveed the satellite imagery!  Could not believe my eyes for the detail that can be seen.  Checked out several familiar locations and was very impressed.

Warning:  expect the download time to be considerable when using dial up and be sure to turn off any web page accelerators that reduce image quality, but takes no time using DSL. 

The maps load very quicly using dial up, however
I agree. It's not much more than a toy, and certainly not an aid to navigation. They do admit that some of the images could be up to 3 years old, and even those that portend to high resolution are still lacking in detail. It's a great idea, but still in its' infancy.
Satellite photos aren't really new. I've been using them with marine nav charts for several years, and I know they were around a long time before that. But it's certainly neat to have them integrated with maps as Google has done.
Don't get me wrong. I think it's a great idea, but they need to take a lot more, and more recent high-res photos. The chart on the Google site lists the cities currently covered and the resolution is mostly 2' or 3 meters, and that's per pixel. I looked at a Google street map of Road America and it was great, but when viewing the sat. photos of the same area, I couldn't see the track at all.
Since Google doesn't own any satellites, they have to get the data from other sources.  I doubt you'll get any better resolution than they now have, at least not free.
I just discovered the Google satellite maps myself, too. is helpful.  I was surpirsed that the search engine on the google map page works well with putting in an entire address including zip.  They found me!  So utilizing online yellow pages to get an address, a person could view the destination RV park without much trouble.

Also, for about $30 per year, the Google "keyhole" takes the same idea a step further.
I haven't played with this toy yet, but I don't think I'm going to be able to keep my fingers off of it.  Looks like a great way to pick out a boondock spot!  Has anyone here used a keyhold subscription?
fredethomas said:
Our three year old subdivision is not on the Google Maps nor on SA 2005.  In the short look I gave to Google - I don't see much difference.  Looks like the same US Government data base in both.

I have a different set. My new street, which will recieve its final coat of blacktop in two weeks, is on Google maps but not on SA2005.
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