got our tow vehicle...ready to choose a fifth!

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Gail and Jack

Dec 30, 2012
We are retiring in a few months and plan to give up our apt. and full-time.  Found a great deal on a truck and are now the proud owners of a 2008 Ford F450 DRW, Lariat.  It was a little more truck than we intended, but we love it now that we have it. 
We are looking at fifth wheels, have been to one RV show (so far) and have been doing lots of reading online.  We have had Montanas, Big Horns, Big Countrys, Mountaineers recommended to us.  They all seem nice, but are a bit pricey. Our budget demands we keep it to the low 40s.  Was looking at Palomino Columbus, but a dealer told us they are not well-made (he doesn't sell them).  Any truth to that?  Are there other brands we should be looking at? 
Know what we want as far as floor plan, and I also want the option of having a W/D if I choose.  New is beautiful, but tough in our price range.  Slightly used is okay, but looking at older models, it seems they all need updating and not sure we are up for that. 
We plan to avoid snow, but will be spending time on both coasts (kids and grandkids in NC and CA) so that involves crossing mountains. 
Seems like every fifth wheel lists a load of options...not sure which are necessities for full timing.  Of coure, I have fallen in love a brand new Montana model (3900FB), but it is too expensive.
I am sure this is all too vague, but can anyone offer some advice, suggestions etc.? 
I am considering an upgrade although on a smaller unit than you are looking at, but I like the Cougar by Keystone...mine will be a used unit, just can justify the expense of a new unit.

You are on the right track, research, research, research...

Good Luck


You are almost there for a new Cardinal 3550RL. Ther are all over the internet at 55-59K fully loaded.  Used you should be able to find a Cardinal or Cedar Creek in your price range.  Far better quality than the Cougar.
Thanks, Jim.  Looked at Cougers and liked them...but they don't seem to have a W/D prep option and think I will want that full-timing.  Think you are right about the expense of new...especially on a limited budget, but they can be tempting ;)
Gail and Jack said:
Thanks, Jim.  Looked at Cougers and liked them...but they don't seem to have a W/D prep option and think I will want that full-timing.  Think you are right about the expense of new...especially on a limited budget, but they can be tempting ;)

I really thought I would miss the W/D but almost every campground I have stayed in has wonderful laundry rooms and the advantage of multiple machines, so I can get done much quicker and unless you are hooked up to a campground the water use will empty your onboard supply in a heartbeat and on my boat I had a 110 volt dryer and it took forever to dry clothes, so I just stick with using the campgrounds....

Good Luck in your search. I have my eye on the 245 Cougar! It will be huge compared to the 19 I am full timing in now!

Wow! You do have a small space...more power to you!  There are the two of us plus two dogs right now (they are old), so looking for more space.  Not sure if I'll add the W/D or not, but want to have that option.  Would still use laundry facilities for big/heavy loads like towels or jeans, but like the idea of being able to wash some things in my own washer.  Obviously would only use with full hook-ups. 
Good luck with your Couger...they are pretty!

Going to check out the Cardinal and Cedar Creek that donn suggested.  Such big decisions.  Haven't owned a trailer in 25 years! 
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