Grahic Decal Removal

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New member
Nov 8, 2012
I have a 2007 Class "A" 30' Damon Daybreak.  The sun has destroyed many of the graphics on the passenger's side and the rear.  I have the decals I need to replace the bad ones, but am unsure if I should try removing and replacing them or have a professional do it.

I know how to remove the damaged decals if I use a decal stripping chemical, but I'm afraid to use it because I'm afraid the stripping chemical will run and damage the good decals below it.  There's also cases where one bad decal is very close and above another good decal (1/2" space) so I'm afraid I might accidentally get some stripper chemical onto the close decal.

Has anyone used a chemical stripper to remove graphic decals and if so, how did you prevent the stripper from getting on good decals below and close to the one you're stripping?  Also, any suggestions on tricks that can be used while installing the new decals?

Thank you
When using the eraser wheel, set the speed only fast enough to remove the decal.  Too fast and it discolors the fiberglass.  Slower is better.  I got mine from Eastwood.  I used automotive basecoat/clearcoat paints since they will last longer than decals.  The pictures show before, during and upon completion of the project.  The before picture shows how badly the sun had dried out and curled the decal edges back.  A small defect in the middle area is actually a trial area of using the erase wheel.  The eraser took the old decal off in less than a day.  The wheel only reduced about 1/4" in diameter after doing all this work.


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