Hi, My name is Charles Balija, but you can call me the "Chuckster" all my friends do. I am a Vet of the "Vietnam War" and former Marine. I have a 1997 Holiday Rambler Endeavor Le , DP, Cat engine, and travel with my wife and our 2 kids, the furry kind (goldens) patch and Gio. We are looking to retire and go full-time next year , so I am prepping the MH for full time living. I have a few questions I would generously appreciate some answers to , and since I noticed their are many HR owners maybe I can get them here. First one has to do with locating my grey water tank, I believe I found my FW and BW tank , they seemed to be enclosed, is there any way I can install tank heating pads and how do I go about doing this. Second Question, does anyone have a plumbing diagram. Thank You.