GS 'TravelAssist': Is it worth cost or anything better?

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Steve & Linda

Well-known member
Jun 19, 2012
When home, Pickens, SC
Just received promo for GS TravelAssist program. Cost is $89/year for single member and $109/year to cover both DH and me. I understand it is an insurance policy, but if we have Medicare, he has VA, and I carry private health insurance, do we need this, too? DH does the driving, and I can drive RV if needed. We have our pet with us. Just asking if 'insurance is reasonably priced or is there something else out there with similar benefit but less cost for 2 people.
imho, $109.00 is a bargain for what it offers me it is peace of mind.

This doesn't directly address your question, but if your husband is depending solely on Medicare and VA (not Tricare) then you may want to review his options.  The VA will not cover his 20% obligation from Medicare if he has care given at a civilian hospital and, what's worse, trying to utilize the VA while away from his home location is a very trying ordeal.  Now, if you mean Tricare for Life (medical coverage for military retirees over 65) instead of VA then he should be in good shape.
Thanks for that info, Tom. Right now all his medical expenses are covered by VA (100% VA disabled, long story) and I carry BC/BS as  a retired state employee + Champ VA until I turn 65 later this year. DH will have to carry Medicare (+ Via) once he's 65 come March. When I reach 65 I'll have BC/BS + Medicare. I hope we are not being naieve in our understanding that this coverage will be sufficient for our needs. I asked about the TravelAssist b/c I want to 'cover all the bases' as we begin to do more RV traveling for longer periods of time. We plan to keep our primary residence in SC as our dependent children live in the family home. Is this making any sense?

The way I read their website GS TravelAssist is not medical insurance. It only covers the cost of getting you to the doctor or the hospital if you can't drive yourself there.

Who would you call if you were hurt while traveling? Or if you needed a medical evacuation? What if you required an air ambulance service to get you to appropriate medical care? What would you do if you forgot a prescription or lost your eyeglasses while on a trip?
Steve & Linda said:
Thanks for that info, Tom. Right now all his medical expenses are covered by VA (100% VA disabled, long story) and I carry BC/BS as  a retired state employee + Champ VA until I turn 65 later this year. DH will have to carry Medicare (+ Via) once he's 65 come March. When I reach 65 I'll have BC/BS + Medicare. I hope we are not being naieve in our understanding that this coverage will be sufficient for our needs. I asked about the TravelAssist b/c I want to 'cover all the bases' as we begin to do more RV traveling for longer periods of time. We plan to keep our primary residence in SC as our dependent children live in the family home. Is this making any sense?

It still sounds to me like you may be confusing VA benefits and Tricare benefits.  They are not the same.  That doesn't mean your husband does not have both, but it is not clear from your response.  Make sure you understand the difference because if he does not have Tricare, finding VA medical care on the road could be difficult and Medicare only will be a financial surprise.
I looked at the FMCA version of TravelAssist and to me it looks like Good Sam has a better insurance deal.  I just sent in my application for the family plan today.  I am pushing 70 and the DF is already 70.  I thought that we would be done with RVing at this point, but not so.  Hope that I never need the TravelAssist insurance, but if I do it should help.  When you read the fine print on both the GS and FMCA plans, they don't expect to part with much of their money. :(
:-\ Tom...I did check and DH definitely does NOT have Tricare and I'm assuming ChampVA is not the same based on my PCP's office always asks if I have ChampVa or Tricare but my card says ChampVA.
Strange, since the ChampVA website says that only spouses and children of those killed or permanently disabled are eligible. But you have the card, so that must be what he has. Medicare will always be your primary insurance, according to the site.

Back to the original question: Travel Assist is applicable to you, but it does not provide any additional healthcare insurance. It is just to provide assistance in obtaining healthcare, including evacuation to a suitable place to get what you need, locating a facility that accepts your insurance, cash advances, pet care, vehicle return, etc. Note that it "assists" with many of those things - do not assume it actually pays for all of them. Read the benefits statement carefully before deciding to enroll. For exampe, they assist you in getting a cash advance from your credit card, but do not themselves provide a cash advance.
Gary. Yes, DH is 100% disabled thru VA; he is a Navy vet. He has had this rating for 10+ years, and to date, all medical care has been thru VA. That is why I am covered by ChampVA until I turn 65.
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